Welcome to TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston, Copyright © 2007 UnaMesa Association
|''Description:''|Mathematical vector graphics based on [[ASCIIsvg|http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciisvg.html]]|
|''Date:''|Sep 12, 2007|
|''Documentation:''|[[ASCIIsvgPlugin Documentation|ASCIIsvgPluginDoc]]|
|''Author:''|Paulo Soares|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
Story.prototype.ASCIIsvgRefreshTiddler = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler;
Story.prototype.refreshTiddler = function(title,minorUpdate) {
config.shadowTiddlers.ASCIIsvgPluginDoc="The documentation is available [[here.|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html#ASCIIsvgPluginDoc]]";
This plugin is a wrapper for a modified version of Peter Jipsen's [[ASCIIsvg|http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciisvg.html]]. The main changes are:
#mouseover effects over the figures were removed (too much clumsy code to so little results...)
#a unique id for each figure is mandatory
#small changes in some functions' names (for improved coherence)
Most of the syntax was preserved so, to be able to draw beautiful SVG pictures in your ~TiddlyWiki you should take a look at the [[ASCIIsvg|http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciisvg.html]] site.
The plugin is known to do a good job with Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and Opera 9.23. I'm not sure about the awful Internet Explorer (with the Adobe SVG plugin).
This is not a self-contained plugin. To install it, download the modified ~ASCIIsvg code [[here|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/TWASCIIsvg.js]] and this other [[one|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/d.svg]], and put them next to your ~TiddlyWiki file. Next, add the following line to the MarkupPreHead tiddler:
<script type="text/javascript" src="TWASCIIsvg.js"></script>
Finally, copy the ASCIIsvgPlugin tiddler to your ~TiddlyWiki, give it the //systemConfig// tag, save and reload.
A final word of appreciation for Peter Jipsen's fine work on promoting beautiful math in the web.
#calendarWrapper .Christian {background-color: yellow;}
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|Add checkboxes to your tiddler content|
This plugin extends the TiddlyWiki syntax to allow definition of checkboxes that can be embedded directly in tiddler content. Checkbox states are preserved by:
* by setting/removing tags on specified tiddlers,
* or, by setting custom field values on specified tiddlers,
* or, by saving to a locally-stored cookie ID,
* or, automatically modifying the tiddler content (deprecated)
When an ID is assigned to the checkbox, it enables direct programmatic access to the checkbox DOM element, as well as creating an entry in TiddlyWiki's config.options[ID] internal data. In addition to tracking the checkbox state, you can also specify custom javascript for programmatic initialization and onClick event handling for any checkbox, so you can provide specialized side-effects in response to state changes.
>see [[CheckboxPluginInfo]]
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to [[CheckboxPluginInfo]]
2008.01.05 [2.4.0] set global "window.place" to current checkbox element when processing checkbox clicks. This allows init/beforeClick/afterClick handlers to reference RELATIVE elements, including using "story.findContainingTiddler(place)". Also, wrap handlers in "function()" so "return" can be used within handler code.
|please see [[CheckboxPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.12.07 [0.9.0] initial BETA release
version.extensions.CheckboxPlugin = {major: 2, minor: 4, revision:0 , date: new Date(2008,1,5)};
config.checkbox = { refresh: { tagged:true, tagging:true, container:true } };
config.formatters.push( {
name: "checkbox",
match: "\\[[xX_ ][\\]\\=\\(\\{]",
lookahead: "\\[([xX_ ])(=[^\\s\\(\\]{]+)?(\\([^\\)]*\\))?({[^}]*})?({[^}]*})?({[^}]*})?\\]",
handler: function(w) {
var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
// get params
var checked=(lookaheadMatch[1].toUpperCase()=="X");
var id=lookaheadMatch[2];
var target=lookaheadMatch[3];
if (target) target=target.substr(1,target.length-2).trim(); // trim off parentheses
var fn_init=lookaheadMatch[4];
var fn_clickBefore=lookaheadMatch[5];
var fn_clickAfter=lookaheadMatch[6];
var tid=story.findContainingTiddler(w.output); if (tid) tid=tid.getAttribute("tiddler");
var srctid=w.tiddler?w.tiddler.title:null;
w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
} );
config.macros.checkbox = {
handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
if(!(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)) { // if no tiddler passed in try to find one
var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
if (here) tiddler=store.getTiddler(here.getAttribute("tiddler"))
var srcpos=0; // "inline X" not applicable to macro syntax
var target=params.shift(); if (!target) target="";
var defaultState=params[0]=="checked"; if (defaultState) params.shift();
var id=params.shift(); if (id && !id.length) id=null;
var fn_init=params.shift(); if (fn_init && !fn_init.length) fn_init=null;
var fn_clickBefore=params.shift();
if (fn_clickBefore && !fn_clickBefore.length) fn_clickBefore=null;
var fn_clickAfter=params.shift();
if (fn_clickAfter && !fn_clickAfter.length) fn_clickAfter=null;
var refresh={ tagged:true, tagging:true, container:false };
create: function(place,tid,srctid,srcpos,defaultState,id,target,refresh,fn_init,fn_clickBefore,fn_clickAfter) {
// create checkbox element
var c = document.createElement("input");
c.srctid=srctid; // remember source tiddler
c.srcpos=srcpos; // remember location of "X"
c.container=tid; // containing tiddler (may be null if not in a tiddler)
c.tiddler=tid; // default target tiddler
c.refresh = {};
c.refresh.container = refresh.container;
c.refresh.tagged = refresh.tagged;
c.refresh.tagging = refresh.tagging;
// set default state
// track state in config.options.ID
if (id) {
c.id=id.substr(1); // trim off leading "="
if (config.options[c.id]!=undefined)
// track state in (tiddlername|tagname) or (fieldname@tiddlername)
if (target) {
var pos=target.indexOf("@");
if (pos!=-1) {
c.field=pos?target.substr(0,pos):"checked"; // get fieldname (or use default "checked")
c.tiddler=target.substr(pos+1); // get specified tiddler name (if any)
if (!c.tiddler || !c.tiddler.length) c.tiddler=tid; // if tiddler not specified, default == container
if (store.getValue(c.tiddler,c.field)!=undefined)
c.checked=(store.getValue(c.tiddler,c.field)=="true"); // set checkbox from saved state
} else {
var pos=target.indexOf("|"); if (pos==-1) var pos=target.indexOf(":");
if (pos==0) c.tag=target.substr(1); // trim leading "|" or ":"
if (pos>0) { c.tiddler=target.substr(0,pos); c.tag=target.substr(pos+1); }
if (!c.tag.length) c.tag="checked";
var t=store.getTiddler(c.tiddler);
if (t && t.tags)
c.checked=t.isTagged(c.tag); // set checkbox from saved state
// trim off surrounding { and } delimiters from init/click handlers
if (fn_init) c.fn_init="(function(){"+fn_init.trim().substr(1,fn_init.length-2)+"})()";
if (fn_clickBefore) c.fn_clickBefore="(function(){"+fn_clickBefore.trim().substr(1,fn_clickBefore.length-2)+"})()";
if (fn_clickAfter) c.fn_clickAfter="(function(){"+fn_clickAfter.trim().substr(1,fn_clickAfter.length-2)+"})()";
c.init=true; c.onclick(); c.init=false; // compute initial state and save in tiddler/config/cookie
onClickCheckbox: function(event) {
if (this.init && this.fn_init) // custom function hook to set initial state (run only once)
{ try { eval(this.fn_init); } catch(e) { displayMessage("Checkbox init error: "+e.toString()); } }
if (!this.init && this.fn_clickBefore) // custom function hook to override changes in checkbox state
{ try { eval(this.fn_clickBefore) } catch(e) { displayMessage("Checkbox onClickBefore error: "+e.toString()); } }
if (this.id)
// save state in config AND cookie (only when ID starts with 'chk')
{ config.options[this.id]=this.checked; if (this.id.substr(0,3)=="chk") saveOptionCookie(this.id); }
if (this.srctid && this.srcpos>0 && (!this.id || this.id.substr(0,3)!="chk") && !this.tag && !this.field) {
// save state in tiddler content only if not using cookie, tag or field tracking
var t=store.getTiddler(this.srctid); // put X in original source tiddler (if any)
if (t && this.checked!=(t.text.substr(this.srcpos,1).toUpperCase()=="X")) { // if changed
if (!story.isDirty(t.title)) story.refreshTiddler(t.title,null,true);
if (this.field) {
if (this.checked && !store.tiddlerExists(this.tiddler))
store.saveTiddler(this.tiddler,this.tiddler,"",config.options.txtUserName,new Date());
// set the field value in the target tiddler
// DEBUG: displayMessage(this.field+"@"+this.tiddler+" is "+this.checked);
if (this.tag) {
if (this.checked && !store.tiddlerExists(this.tiddler))
store.saveTiddler(this.tiddler,this.tiddler,"",config.options.txtUserName,new Date());
var t=store.getTiddler(this.tiddler);
if (t) {
var tagged=(t.tags && t.tags.indexOf(this.tag)!=-1);
if (this.checked && !tagged) { t.tags.push(this.tag); store.setDirty(true); }
if (!this.checked && tagged) { t.tags.splice(t.tags.indexOf(this.tag),1); store.setDirty(true); }
// if tag state has been changed, update display of corresponding tiddlers (unless they are in edit mode...)
if (this.checked!=tagged) {
if (this.refresh.tagged) {
if (!story.isDirty(this.tiddler)) // the TAGGED tiddler in view mode
else // the TAGGED tiddler in edit mode (with tags field)
if (this.refresh.tagging)
if (!story.isDirty(this.tag)) story.refreshTiddler(this.tag,null,true); // the TAGGING tiddler
if (!this.init && this.fn_clickAfter) // custom function hook to react to changes in checkbox state
{ try { eval(this.fn_clickAfter) } catch(e) { displayMessage("Checkbox onClickAfter error: "+e.toString()); } }
// refresh containing tiddler (but not during initial rendering, or we get an infinite loop!) (and not when editing container)
if (!this.init && this.refresh.container && this.container!=this.tiddler)
if (!story.isDirty(this.container)) story.refreshTiddler(this.container,null,true); // the tiddler CONTAINING the checkbox
return true;
refreshEditorTagField: function(title,tag,set) {
var tagfield=story.getTiddlerField(title,"tags");
if (!tagfield||tagfield.getAttribute("edit")!="tags") return; // if no tags field in editor (i.e., custom template)
var tags=tagfield.value.readBracketedList();
if (tags.contains(tag)==set) return; // if no change needed
if (set) tags.push(tag); // add tag
else tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag),1); // remove tag
for (var t=0;t<tags.length;t++) tags[t]=String.encodeTiddlyLink(tags[t]);
tagfield.value=tags.join(" "); // reassemble tag string (with brackets as needed)
Name: MptwTeal
Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #B5D1DF
PrimaryLight: #618FA9
PrimaryMid: #1a3844
PrimaryDark: #000
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #f8f8f8
TertiaryLight: #bbb
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #888
Error: #f88
|Created by|SaqImtiaz|
Resize tiddler text on the fly. The text size is remembered between sessions by use of a cookie.
You can customize the maximum and minimum allowed sizes.
(only affects tiddler content text, not any other text)
Also, you can load a TW file with a font-size specified in the url.
Eg: http://tw.lewcid.org/#font:110
Try using the font-size buttons in the sidebar, or in the MainMenu above.
Copy the contents of this tiddler to your TW, tag with systemConfig, save and reload your TW.
Then put {{{<<fontSize "font-size:">>}}} in your SideBarOptions tiddler, or anywhere else that you might like.
{{{<<fontSize>>}}} results in <<fontSize>>
{{{<<fontSize font-size: >>}}} results in <<fontSize font-size:>>
The buttons and prefix text are wrapped in a span with class fontResizer, for easy css styling.
To change the default font-size, and the maximum and minimum font-size allowed, edit the config.fontSize.settings section of the code below.
This plugin assumes that the initial font-size is 100% and then increases or decreases the size by 10%. This stepsize of 10% can also be customized.
*27-07-06, version 1.0 : prevented double clicks from triggering editing of containing tiddler.
*25-07-06, version 0.9
//configuration settings
config.fontSize.settings =
defaultSize : 100, // all sizes in %
maxSize : 200,
minSize : 40,
stepSize : 10
//startup code
var fontSettings = config.fontSize.settings;
if (!config.options.txtFontSize)
{config.options.txtFontSize = fontSettings.defaultSize;
setStylesheet(".tiddler .viewer {font-size:"+config.options.txtFontSize+"%;}\n","fontResizerStyles");
setStylesheet("#contentWrapper .fontResizer .button {display:inline;font-size:105%; font-weight:bold; margin:0 1px; padding: 0 3px; text-align:center !important;}\n .fontResizer {margin:0 0.5em;}","fontResizerButtonStyles");
config.macros.fontSize.handler = function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
var sp = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"fontResizer");
if (params[0])
createTiddlyButton(sp,"+","increase font-size",this.incFont);
createTiddlyButton(sp,"=","reset font-size",this.resetFont);
createTiddlyButton(sp,"–","decrease font-size",this.decFont);
config.macros.fontSize.onDblClick = function (e)
if (!e) var e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
return false;
config.macros.fontSize.setFont = function ()
setStylesheet(".tiddler .viewer {font-size:"+config.options.txtFontSize+"%;}\n","fontResizerStyles");
if (config.options.txtFontSize < fontSettings.maxSize)
config.options.txtFontSize = (config.options.txtFontSize*1)+fontSettings.stepSize;
if (config.options.txtFontSize > fontSettings.minSize)
config.options.txtFontSize = (config.options.txtFontSize*1) - fontSettings.stepSize;
config.paramifiers.font =
onstart: function(v)
config.options.txtFontSize = v;
Files you should download first...
To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you might want to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
[img[sample image|http://www.erickennedy.com/sample.jpg]]
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|hide a tiddler's tagged/tagging display elements|
Usage: <<tiddler HideTiddlerTags>>
var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
if (!t || t.id=="tiddlerHideTiddlerTags") return;
var nodes=t.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++)
if (hasClass(nodes[i],"tagging")||hasClass(nodes[i],"tagged"))
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|hide a tiddler's toolbar display|
Usage: <<tiddler HideTiddlerToolbar>>
var t=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
if (!t || t.id=="tiddlerHideTiddlerToolbar") return;
var nodes=t.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++)
if (hasClass(nodes[i],"toolbar"))
|Description:|Allows conditional inclusion/exclusion in templates|
|Version:|3.1 ($Rev: 3919 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-03-13 02:03:12 +1000 (Thu, 13 Mar 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
For use in ViewTemplate and EditTemplate. Example usage:
{{{<div macro="showWhenTagged Task">[[TaskToolbar]]</div>}}}
{{{<div macro="showWhen tiddler.modifier == 'BartSimpson'"><img src="bart.gif"/></div>}}}
window.hideWhenLastTest = false;
window.removeElementWhen = function(test,place) {
window.hideWhenLastTest = test;
if (test) {
hideWhen: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( eval(paramString), place);
showWhen: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !eval(paramString), place);
hideWhenTagged: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place);
showWhenTagged: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place);
hideWhenTaggedAny: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAny(params), place);
showWhenTaggedAny: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAny(params), place);
hideWhenTaggedAll: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place);
showWhenTaggedAll: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place);
hideWhenExists: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( store.tiddlerExists(params[0]) || store.isShadowTiddler(params[0]), place);
showWhenExists: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !(store.tiddlerExists(params[0]) || store.isShadowTiddler(params[0])), place);
hideWhenTitleIs: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( tiddler.title == params[0], place);
showWhenTitleIs: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( tiddler.title != params[0], place);
'else': { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
removeElementWhen( !window.hideWhenLastTest, place);
|''Description:''|Limits to only one tiddler open. Manages an history stack and provides macro to navigate in this history (<<history>><<back>><<forward>>).|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''[[License]]:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
Story.prototype.tiddlerHistory = [];
Story.prototype.historyCurrentPos = -1;
Story.prototype.currentTiddler = null;
Story.prototype.maxPos = 11;
Story.prototype.old_history_displayTiddler = Story.prototype.displayTiddler;
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,title,template,animate,slowly)
title = ((typeof title === "string") ? title : title.title);
if (this.currentTiddler) this.closeTiddler(this.currentTiddler);
if (template == 2) {
//switch to Edit mode : don't manage
// if same tiddler no change
if (this.tiddlerHistory[this.historyCurrentPos] == title) {
this.currentTiddler = title;
if (this.historyCurrentPos == this.tiddlerHistory.length -1) {
// bottom of stack
if (this.tiddlerHistory.length > 11) {
} else {
this.historyCurrentPos += 1;
} else {
// middle of stack
this.historyCurrentPos += 1;
if (this.tiddlerHistory[this.historyCurrentPos] != title) {
// path change => cut history
this.tiddlerHistory[this.historyCurrentPos] = title;
var a = [];
for(var i = 0; i <= this.historyCurrentPos;i++) {
a[i] = this.tiddlerHistory[i];
this.tiddlerHistory = a;
this.currentTiddler = title;
scrollTo(0, 1);
Story.prototype.old_history_closeTiddler = Story.prototype.closeTiddler;
Story.prototype.closeTiddler = function(title,animate,slowly)
this.currentTiddler = null;
config.macros.history = {};
config.macros.history.action = function(event) {
var popup = Popup.create(this);
if (!story.tiddlerHistory.length)
createTiddlyText(popup,"No history");
var c = story.tiddlerHistory.length;
for (i=0; i<c;i++ )
var elmt = createTiddlyElement(popup,"li");
var btn = createTiddlyButton(elmt,story.tiddlerHistory[i],story.tiddlerHistory[i],config.macros.history.onClick);
event.cancelBubble = true;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
return false;
config.macros.history.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
createTiddlyButton(place, 'menu', 'history', config.macros.history.action);
config.macros.history.onClick = function(ev)
var e = ev ? ev : window.event;
var historyPos = this.getAttribute("historyPos");
story.historyCurrentPos = historyPos -1;
return false;
config.macros.back = {};
config.macros.back.action = function() {
if (story.historyCurrentPos > 0) {
if (story.currentTiddler) story.closeTiddler(story.currentTiddler);
story.historyCurrentPos = story.historyCurrentPos -2;
} else {
//if (story.currentTiddler) story.old_history_displayTiddler(null,story.currentTiddler);
return false;
config.macros.back.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
createTiddlyButton(place, '◄', 'back', config.macros.back.action,"backButton");
config.macros.forward = {};
config.macros.forward.action = function() {
if (story.historyCurrentPos < story.tiddlerHistory.length -1) {
if (story.currentTiddler) story.closeTiddler(story.currentTiddler);
//story.historyCurrentPos = story.historyCurrentPos;
} else {
//if (story.currentTiddler) story.old_history_displayTiddler(null,story.currentTiddler);
return false;
config.macros.forward.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
createTiddlyButton(place, '►', 'forward', config.macros.forward.action, "ibutton");
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Overrides|'image' formatter|
|Description|Tell TiddlyWiki where to look for image files. Permits multiple 'fallback' locations|
|Status|ALPHA - initial development/testing only - may be unstable - do not distribute|
This plugin adds "resolvePath()" fallback processing to the {{{[img[...]]}}} formatter's handler, so that local image file references can be successfully resolved, even if the files cannot be located on the local filesystem.
The plugin tries alternative file "paths" that are listed, one per line, in an optional tiddler, [[ImagePathList]]. Each path in the list is combined with the image filename, which is then checked for existence, until the file is located. If no alternative is found, or [[ImagePathList]] is not present, then a 'last-ditch' fallback is attempted using the remote system and path specified in [[SiteUrl]] (if present).
If no fallback attempt is successful (i.e., because no [[ImagePathList]] OR [[SiteUrl]] tiddlers have been defined), the plugin simply passes the original image file value along for default handling by the browser without any "path resolution" being applied.(i.e, the current TW core behavior occurs).
| ''Important note: This plugin may cause one or more security alert messages to appear, because it uses browser-specific functions that can require security permission in order to access the local filesystem to check for the existence of a given image file. If you block local access, the 'last-ditch' fallback using the remote [[SiteUrl]] (if present) will be attempted.'' |
Note: the image formatter code contained here also includes support for AttachFilePlugin extensions (if installed). AttachFilePlugin includes its own fallback mechanism for handling embedded vs. local file vs. remote URL references to the attached binary file. Both methods may be used: ImagePathPlugin provides fallback for images contained in tiddler content, while AttachFilePlugin works well for access to non-image binary files (or images used in CSS as backgrounds, textures, etc.)
coming soon...
''2007.04.13 [0.7.1]'' in testFile(), convert any file:// references to local native format before checking for existence.
''2007.03.26 [0.7.0]'' for IE, use onError handling to trigger call to resolvePath() so it will only be invoked if the original path/file is not found by the browser-native lookup. This avoids an unneeded call to fileExists() and the accompanying ActiveX security alert message box (as well as being slightly more efficient...)
''2007.03.25 [0.6.0]'' code cleanup (moved global functions into config.formatterHelpers) plus documentation re-write
''2007.03.24 [0.5.0]'' initial implementation - ALPHA - do not distribute
version.extensions.ImagePathPlugin= {major: 0, minor: 7, revision: 1, date: new Date(2007,4,13)};
// name of path definition tiddler
if (config.options.txtPathTiddler==undefined) config.options.txtPathTiddler="ImagePathList";
// low-level wrapper for platform-specific tests for local file existence
// returns true/false without visible error display
// Uses Components for FF and ActiveX FSO object for MSIE
// NOTE: this can cause a security warning on some browsers
config.formatterHelpers.fileExists=function(theFile) {
var found=false;
// DEBUG: alert('testing fileExists('+theFile+')...');
if(window.Components) {
try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); }
catch(e) { return false; } // security access denied
var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
try { file.initWithPath(theFile); }
catch(e) { return false; } // invalid directory
found = file.exists();
else { // use ActiveX FSO object for MSIE
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
found = fso.FileExists(theFile)
// DEBUG: alert(theFile+" "+(found?"exists":"not found"));
return found;
// higher-level logic for checking local file existence.
// with secondary check for finding relative file references
// and automatic OK of http-based references without checking local filesystem
config.formatterHelpers.testFile=function(theFile) {
if (document.location.protocol!="file:") return true; // viewing remote document, can't test local filesystem... assume OK
if (theFile.substr(0,5)=="http:") return true; // remote HTTP reference... assume OK
if (theFile.substr(0,5)=="file:") theFile=getLocalPath(theFile); // convert local FILE reference to native format
if (this.fileExists(theFile)) return true; // file exists locally... OK to use!
// file might have been relative, add path from current document and try again
var docPath=document.location.href;
var slashpos=docPath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=docPath.lastIndexOf("\\");
if (slashpos!=-1 && slashpos!=docPath.length-1) docPath=docPath.substr(0,slashpos+1); // trim off filename
if (this.fileExists(getLocalPath(docPath+theFile)))
return true; // ah ha!... file exists relative to current document... OK to use!
return false; // file not found on local system
// given a path/file string, check for existence and
// try alternatives (if any) defined in a tiddler
// with last-ditch using system/path from SiteUrl (if any)
config.formatterHelpers.resolvePath=function(theFile,testoriginal) {
if (testoriginal && this.testFile(theFile)) return theFile; // FOUND FILE - use specified path/file without modification
// get the filename portion only
var slashpos=theFile.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=theFile.lastIndexOf("\\");
var theName=(slashpos==-1)?theFile:theFile.substr(slashpos+1);
// get list of fallbacks (if any)
var pathText=store.getTiddlerText(config.options.txtPathTiddler);
if (pathText && pathText.length) {
var paths=pathText.split("\n");
for (p=0; p<paths.length; p++) // combine path+filename until one works...
if (this.testFile(paths[p]+theName))
return paths[p]+theName; // FOUND FILE - use alternative path+filename
// try "last ditch" fallback using SiteURL - assumes that original path/file was relative to document location
var siteURL=store.getTiddlerText("SiteUrl");
if (!siteURL||!siteURL.length) return theFile; // NO FALLBACK - use original path/file and hope for the best
// trim filename (if any) from site URL
var slashpos=siteURL.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=siteURL.lastIndexOf("\\");
if (slashpos!=-1 && slashpos!=siteURL.length-1) siteURL=siteURL.substr(0,slashpos+1);
return siteURL+theFile; // LAST DITCH: use system/path from SiteUrl combined with original file/path
// replace standard handler for image formatter
// adds call to resolvePath() to handle fallback processing
// includes support for AttachFilePlugin as well
config.formatters[config.formatters.findByField("name","image")].handler=function(w) {
if (!this.lookaheadRegExp) // fixup for TW2.0.x
this.lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
// Simple bracketted link
var e = w.output;
if(lookaheadMatch[5]) {
var link = lookaheadMatch[5];
if (!config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink) // fixup for TW2.0.x
var external=!store.tiddlerExists(link)&&!store.isShadowTiddler(link);
var external=config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link);
if (external) {
if (config.macros.attach && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link)) { // ELS - attachments
e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
e.title = config.macros.attach.linkTooltip + link;
} else
e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
} else
e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
var img = createTiddlyElement(e,"img");
img.align = "left";
else if(lookaheadMatch[2])
img.align = "right";
img.title = lookaheadMatch[3];
if (config.macros.attach!=undefined && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(lookaheadMatch[4])) // ELS - attachments
else {
if (config.browser.isIE || config.browser.isSafari) { // ELS - path processing
// IE and Safari use browser's onError handling to check the original file...
// avoids extra security alert messages due to use of Components/ActiveX for filesystem access
img.onerror=(function(){this.src=config.formatterHelpers.resolvePath(this.src,false);return false;});
img.src=lookaheadMatch[4]; // ELS - path processing
} else {
// if NOT IE or Safari, always check the original path/file before rendering
w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Overrides|'image' formatter|
|Description|extends image syntax to add optional CSS width/height values|
Extends standard TiddlyWiki image syntax, ''{{{[img[...]]}}}'', so you can specify CSS width/height values.
The extended syntax is:
>where x and y are the desired width and height of the image, specified using CSS units of measurement (e.g., px, em, cm, in, or %). Use ''auto'' for either the width or height to scale image proportionally (i.e., maintain aspect ratio). You may also calculate a CSS value on-the-fly by using //evaluated javascript//, enclosed between """{{""" and """}}""", e.g, {{{({{widthFunction()}},{{heightFunction()}})}}}.
Note: this plugin also includes enhancements to support:
*[[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] (embed image files as text-encoded tiddlers)
* [[ImagePathPlugin]] (fallback locations for missing images)
Please refer to those plugins for details...
{{clear block{}}}
2008.01.19 [1.1.0] added support for evaluated width/height values!!
2008.01.18 [1.0.1] code cleanup plus improved regexp for matching "(width,height)" by eliminating hard-coded recognition of [px,em,cm,in,%] CSS units. Syntax now accepts ANY values for width/height, and leaves it to the browser's CSS processing to handle any invalid values.
2008.01.17 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.ImageSizePlugin= {major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 0, date: new Date(2008,1,19)};
// replace standard handler for image formatter
// note: includes modifications for [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] AND [[ImagePathPlugin]]
var f=config.formatters.findByField("name","image");
config.formatters[f].handler=function(w) {
this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
var floatLeft=lookaheadMatch[1];
var floatRight=lookaheadMatch[2];
var XY=lookaheadMatch[3];
var tooltip=lookaheadMatch[4];
var src=lookaheadMatch[5];
var link=lookaheadMatch[6];
// Simple bracketted link
var e = w.output;
if(link) { // LINKED IMAGE
if (config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link)) {
if (config.macros.attach && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link)) {
// see [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]
e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
e.title = config.macros.attach.linkTooltip + link;
} else
e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
} else
e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
var img = createTiddlyElement(e,"img");
if(floatLeft) img.align="left"; else if(floatRight) img.align="right"; // FLOAT LEFT/RIGHT
if(XY) { // CUSTOM SIZE with optional EVAL'ED width/height ({{...}},{{...}})
var parts=XY.replace(/[\(\)]/g,'').split(","); var x=parts[0]; var y=parts[1];
if (x.substr(0,2)=="{{") {
} else img.style.width=x;
if (y.substr(0,2)=="{{") {
} else img.style.height=y;
if(tooltip) img.title = tooltip; // TOOLTIP
// GET IMAGE SOURCE (get attachment or resolve fallback path as needed)
if (config.macros.attach && config.macros.attach.isAttachment(src))
src=config.macros.attach.getAttachment(src); // see [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]
else if (config.formatterHelpers.resolvePath) { // see [[ImagePathPlugin]]
// Note: IE and Safari use onError to call resolvePath() only if initial lookup fails
// (avoids security messages for initial filesystem access)... otherwise, attempt to
// resolve the original path/file before initial rendering
if (config.browser.isIE || config.browser.isSafari) {
return false;
} else
img.src=src; // RENDER IMAGE
w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|Insert Javascript executable code directly into your tiddler content.|
''Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output'' into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered.
>see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]]
2008.03.03 [1.9.2] corrected declaration of wikifyPlainText() for 'TW 2.1.x compatibility fallback' (fixes Safari "parse error")
2008.02.23 [1.9.1] in onclick function, use string instead of array for 'bufferedHTML' attribute on link element (fixes IE errors)
2008.02.21 [1.9.0] 'onclick' scripts now allow returned text (or document.write() calls) to be wikified into a span that immediately follows the onclick link. Also, added default 'return false' handling if no return value provided (prevents HREF from being triggered -- return TRUE to allow HREF to be processed). Thanks to Xavier Verges for suggestion and preliminary code.
|please see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.08 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.inlineJavascript= {major: 1, minor: 9, revision: 2, date: new Date(2008,3,3)};
config.formatters.push( {
name: "inlineJavascript",
match: "\\<script",
lookahead: "\\<script(?: src=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: label=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: title=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: key=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?( show)?\\>((?:.|\\n)*?)\\</script\\>",
handler: function(w) {
var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
var src=lookaheadMatch[1];
var label=lookaheadMatch[2];
var tip=lookaheadMatch[3];
var key=lookaheadMatch[4];
var show=lookaheadMatch[5];
var code=lookaheadMatch[6];
if (src) { // load a script library
// make script tag, set src, add to body to execute, then remove for cleanup
var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = src;
document.body.appendChild(script); document.body.removeChild(script);
if (code) { // there is script code
if (show) // show inline script code in tiddler output
if (label) { // create a link to an 'onclick' script
// add a link, define click handler, save code in link (pass 'place'), set link attributes
var link=createTiddlyElement(w.output,"a",null,"tiddlyLinkExisting",wikifyPlainText(label));
var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.bufferedHTML+=(');
link.code="function _out(place){"+fixup+"\n};_out(this);"
try{ var r=eval(this.code);
if(this.bufferedHTML.length || (typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length)
var s=this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("span"),this.nextSibling);
if((typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length) {
return false;
} else return r!==undefined?r:false;
} catch(e){alert(e.description||e.toString());return false;}
var URIcode='javascript:void(eval(decodeURIComponent(%22(function(){try{';
URIcode+=encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(code.replace(/\n/g,' ')));
if (key) link.accessKey=key.substr(0,1); // single character only
else { // run inline script code
var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.innerHTML+=(');
var code="function _out(place){"+fixup+"\n};_out(w.output);"
try { var out=eval(code); } catch(e) { out=e.description?e.description:e.toString(); }
if (out && out.length) wikify(out,w.output,w.highlightRegExp,w.tiddler);
w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
} )
// // Backward-compatibility for TW2.1.x and earlier
if (typeof(wikifyPlainText)=="undefined") window.wikifyPlainText=function(text,limit,tiddler) {
if(limit > 0) text = text.substr(0,limit);
var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler);
return wikifier.wikifyPlain();
|Description:|Intelligently limit the number of backup files you create|
|Version:|3.0.1 ($Rev: 2320 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2007-06-18 22:37:46 +1000 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird|
You end up with just backup one per year, per month, per weekday, per hour, minute, and second. So total number won't exceed about 200 or so. Can be reduced by commenting out the seconds/minutes/hours line from modes array
Works in IE and Firefox only. Algorithm by Daniel Baird. IE specific code by by Saq Imtiaz.
var MINS = 60 * 1000;
var HOURS = 60 * MINS;
var DAYS = 24 * HOURS;
if (!config.lessBackups) {
config.lessBackups = {
// comment out the ones you don't want or set config.lessBackups.modes in your 'tweaks' plugin
modes: [
["YYYY", 365*DAYS], // one per year for ever
["MMM", 31*DAYS], // one per month
["ddd", 7*DAYS], // one per weekday
//["d0DD", 1*DAYS], // one per day of month
["h0hh", 24*HOURS], // one per hour
["m0mm", 1*HOURS], // one per minute
["s0ss", 1*MINS], // one per second
["latest",0] // always keep last version. (leave this).
window.getSpecialBackupPath = function(backupPath) {
var now = new Date();
var modes = config.lessBackups.modes;
for (var i=0;i<modes.length;i++) {
// the filename we will try
var specialBackupPath = backupPath.replace(/(\.)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.html)$/,
// open the file
try {
if (config.browser.isIE) {
var fsobject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
var fileExists = fsobject.FileExists(specialBackupPath);
if (fileExists) {
var fileObject = fsobject.GetFile(specialBackupPath);
var modDate = new Date(fileObject.DateLastModified).valueOf();
else {
var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
var fileExists = file.exists();
if (fileExists) {
var modDate = file.lastModifiedTime;
catch(e) {
// give up
return backupPath;
// expiry is used to tell if it's an 'old' one. Eg, if the month is June and there is a
// June file on disk that's more than an month old then it must be stale so overwrite
// note that "latest" should be always written because the expiration period is zero (see above)
var expiry = new Date(modDate + modes[i][1]);
if (!fileExists || now > expiry)
return specialBackupPath;
// hijack the core function
window.getBackupPath_mptw_orig = window.getBackupPath;
window.getBackupPath = function(localPath) {
return getSpecialBackupPath(getBackupPath_mptw_orig(localPath));
MPTW is a distribution or edition of TiddlyWiki that includes a standard TiddlyWiki core packaged with some plugins designed to improve usability and provide a better way to organise your information. For more information see http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/.
|bgcolor(#eeeeee): [[Welcome]] |>|
|bgcolor(#eeeeee): history | <<back>> <<history>> <<forward>> |
|bgcolor(#eeeeee): font | <<fontSize>> |
| <<search>> |>|
<<calendar year:2005 month:11 numberMonths:4 numberColumns:2>>
<<calendar>>See [[Holidays|PlasticHolidays]].
body {
background: #fffaae;
color: #000;
.tiddler {
background: #fffaae;
padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
border: none;
.viewer .button {
background: #e4ff70;
color: #000;
border: none;
.viewer .button:hover {
background: #228b22;
color: #fffaae;
.title {
text-align: right;
background: #e4ff70;
-moz-border-radius: 0.5em;
padding: 0.2em;
/* navigator always visible*/
.slideFooterOff #navigator{
visibility: visible;
/* remove clock
display: none;
} */
input {font-size: 100%;}
button {font-size: 100%;}
.txtOptionInput {
width: 15em;
.tabContents li{
list-style: none;
.viewer .center {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.center {
|''Description:''|This plugin creates a custom Gregorian calendar|
|''Date:''|Mar 13, 2007|
|''Documentation:''|[[PlasticCalendarPlugin Documentation|PlasticCalendarPluginDoc]]|
|''Author:''|Paulo Soares|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calendar
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
config.macros.calendar = {holidays: []};
config.macros.calendar.options = {
// day week starts from (normally 0-Su or 1-Mo)
calendarWeekStart: 0,
calendarToday: "Today",
calendarHoliday: "Holiday: ",
calendarLongDateFormat: "0DD/0MM/YYYY",
calendarShortDateFormat: "0DD/0MM",
calendarTag: ["schedule"]
** Internal functions
var cldTag;
config.macros.calendar.calendarIsHoliday = function(date) {
var cm = config.macros.calendar;
var longHoliday = date.formatString(cm.options.calendarLongDateFormat);
var shortHoliday = date.formatString(cm.options.calendarShortDateFormat);
for(var i = 0; i < cm.holidays.length; i++) {
if(cm.holidays[i][0] == longHoliday || cm.holidays[i][0] == shortHoliday) {
return cm.holidays[i];
return null;
config.macros.calendar.onClickOtherDay = function(e) {
var day = this.getAttribute('tiddlylink');
for(var i=0; i<cldTag.length;i++){
story.setTiddlerTag(day, cldTag[i], 0);
config.macros.calendar.getPopupText = function(title) {
var popup_entries = store.getTiddlerText(title).split("\n");
var popup = popup_entries[0];
if(popup_entries.length>1) popup += " ...";
return popup;
config.macros.calendar.findCalendar = function(child) {
var parent;
while (child && child.parentNode) {
parent = child.parentNode;
if (parent.id == "calendarWrapper") {
return parent;
child = parent;
return null;
config.macros.calendar.selectDate = function(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var cm = config.macros.calendar;
var calendar = cm.findCalendar(this);
if (calendar) {
var d = this.getAttribute("date");
if (d != null) cm.makeCalendar(calendar, new Date(new Number(d)));
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
return false;
config.macros.calendar.makeCalendar = function(calendar, dt_current) {
var cm = config.macros.calendar;
var currentDay = new Date(new Number(calendar.getAttribute("currentDay")));
var setControls = calendar.getAttribute("setControls");
calendar.setAttribute("date", dt_current.valueOf());
while (calendar.hasChildNodes())
// get same date in the previous year
var dt_prev_year = new Date(dt_current);
dt_prev_year.setFullYear(dt_prev_year.getFullYear() - 1);
if (dt_prev_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the next year
var dt_next_year = new Date(dt_current);
dt_next_year.setFullYear(dt_next_year.getFullYear() + 1);
if (dt_next_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the previous month
var dt_prev_month = new Date(dt_current);
dt_prev_month.setMonth(dt_prev_month.getMonth() - 1);
if (dt_prev_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the next month
var dt_next_month = new Date(dt_current);
dt_next_month.setMonth(dt_next_month.getMonth() + 1);
if (dt_next_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get first day to display in the grid for current month
var dt_firstday = new Date(dt_current);
dt_firstday.setDate(1 - (7 + dt_firstday.getDay() - cm.options.calendarWeekStart) % 7);
var area, header;
var line, cell, i;
// 1 - calendar header table
// 2 - print weekdays titles
// 3 - calendar days table
calendar.cellPadding = 0;
calendar.cellSpacing = 0;
area = createTiddlyElement(calendar, "tbody");
// 1 - calendar header table
header = createTiddlyElement(area,"tr", "calendarHeader");
header.cellPadding = 0;
header.cellSpacing = 0;
var headerValues = [
[ "<<", "selectYear", dt_prev_year.valueOf() ],
[ "<", "selectMonth", dt_prev_month.valueOf() ],
[ config.messages.dates.months[dt_current.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt_current.getFullYear(),
"selectToday", currentDay.valueOf() ],
[ ">", "selectMonth", dt_next_month.valueOf() ],
[ ">>", "selectYear", dt_next_year.valueOf() ]
for (i = 0; i < headerValues.length; ++i) {
var link = createTiddlyElement(header,"td", null, null, headerValues[i][0]);
if(i==2) link.colSpan=3;
link.onclick = cm.selectDate;
link.setAttribute("date", headerValues[i][2]);
} else {
var link = createTiddlyElement(header,"td", null, null,
config.messages.dates.months[dt_current.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt_current.getFullYear());
// 2 - print weekdays titles
line = createTiddlyElement(area, "tr", "weekNames");
for (var n = 0; n < 7; ++n) {
createTiddlyElement(line, "td", null, null, config.messages.dates.shortDays[(cm.options.calendarWeekStart + n)%7]);
// 3 - calendar days table
var dt_current_day = new Date(dt_firstday);
var day_class;
var title;
var holiday;
var popup;
var clickHandler;
while (dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_current.getMonth() ||
dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_firstday.getMonth()) {
// print row header
line = createTiddlyElement(area, "tr", "calendarLine", null, null);
for (var n_current_wday = 0; n_current_wday < 7; ++n_current_wday) {
title = dt_current_day.formatString(cm.options.calendarLongDateFormat);
clickHandler = cm.onClickOtherDay;
popup = null;
holiday = cm.calendarIsHoliday(dt_current_day);
if (holiday != null) {
// holidays
day_class = (holiday.length==3)? holiday[2]: "holiDay";
popup = cm.options.calendarHoliday + holiday[1];
} else if (dt_current_day.getDay() == 0 || dt_current_day.getDay() == 6) {
// weekend days
day_class = "weekDay";
} else {
// print working days of current month
day_class = "workingDay";
if(dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_current.getMonth()){
if (currentDay.valueOf() == dt_current_day.valueOf()) {
// print current date
if (store.tiddlerExists(title)){
// day has a tiddler associated with it
day_class += " currentscheduledDay";
clickHandler = onClickTiddlerLink;
popup = cm.options.calendarToday + ": "+ cm.getPopupText(title);
} else {
day_class += " currentDay";
popup = cm.options.calendarToday;
if (store.tiddlerExists(title) && store.getTiddler(title).isTagged(cldTag[0])) {
// day has a tiddler associated with it
day_class += " scheduledDay";
clickHandler = onClickTiddlerLink;
popup = cm.getPopupText(title);
// extra formatting for days of previous or next month
if (dt_current_day.getMonth() != dt_current.getMonth()) {
day_class += " otherMonthDay";
var text = dt_current_day.getDate();
var cell = createTiddlyElement(line, "td", null, day_class, text);
cell.setAttribute("date", dt_current_day.valueOf());
cell.setAttribute("tiddlyLink", title);
if(popup) cell.setAttribute("title", popup);
config.macros.calendar.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
var start_date = new Array();
var date = new Date();
var cldParams = paramString.parseParams('calendarParams', null, true);
var cldYear = (cldParams[0].year)?parseFloat(cldParams[0].year[0]): date.getFullYear();
var cldMonth = (cldParams[0].month)?parseFloat(cldParams[0].month[0]): date.getMonth();
var n_months = (cldParams[0].numberMonths)?parseFloat(cldParams[0].numberMonths[0]): 1;
var n_cols = (cldParams[0].numberColumns)?parseFloat(cldParams[0].numberColumns[0]): 3;
cldTag = (cldParams[0].tag)?cldParams[0].tag[0].split("#"): config.macros.calendar.options.calendarTag;
for(var i = 0; i < n_months; i++){
start_date[i] = new Date(cldYear, cldMonth+i, 1);
var n_rows = Math.max(1,Math.ceil(n_months/n_cols));
n_cols = Math.min(n_cols,n_months);
var setControls=(n_months>1)? 0: 1;
var currentDay = new Date();
currentDay = new Date(currentDay.getFullYear(), currentDay.getMonth(), currentDay.getDate());
var holder = createTiddlyElement(place, "table", null,"calendarHolder");
var holderTable = createTiddlyElement(holder, "tbody");
for(var i = 0; i < n_rows; i++){
var holderLine = createTiddlyElement(holderTable, "tr");
for(var j = 0; j < n_cols; j++){
var holderCell = createTiddlyElement(holderLine, "td");
var calendar = createTiddlyElement(holderCell, "table", "calendarWrapper");
calendar.setAttribute("name", "calendarWrapper");
calendar.setAttribute("setControls", setControls);
calendar.setAttribute("currentDay", currentDay.valueOf());
config.macros.calendar.makeCalendar(calendar, start_date[n_cols*i+j]);
function refreshCalendars(hint) {
var calendars = document.getElementsByName("calendarWrapper");
var i, c;
for (i = 0; i < calendars.length; ++i) {
c = calendars.item(i);
if (c.id == "calendarWrapper") {
config.macros.calendar.makeCalendar(c, new Date(new Number(c.getAttribute("date"))));
store.addNotification(null, refreshCalendars);
setStylesheet("/***\n!Calendar Styles\n***/\n/*{{{*/\n .viewer .calendarHolder {\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n border: none;\n}\n\n .viewer .calendarHolder table {\n border: none;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n .viewer .calendarHolder tr {\n border: none;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n\n .viewer .calendarHolder td {\n border: none;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n\n .viewer #calendarWrapper {\n width: 21em;\n border: 2px solid #4682b4;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper #calendarLine td {\n height: 2.5em;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper tr {\n border:none;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper td {\n text-align: center;\n vertical-align: middle;\n width: 14.28%;\n border:none;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper #calendarHeader td{\n color: #ffffff;\n background-color: #4682b4;\n height: 2em;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper #weekNames td {\n color: #ffffff;\n background-color: #87cefa;\n height: 2em;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .weekDay {\n background-color: #ccff99;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .holiDay {\n background-color: #9acd32;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .currentDay {\n border: solid #ff0000 2px;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .currentscheduledDay {\n border: solid #ff0000 2px;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .workingDay {\n background-color: #ffffff;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .scheduledDay {\n border: solid orange 2px;\n}\n\n #calendarWrapper .otherMonthDay {\n background-color: #999;\n}\n\n/*}}}*/","CalendarStyles");
config.shadowTiddlers.PlasticCalendarPluginDoc="The documentation is missing. It is available [[here|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html#PlasticCalendarPluginDoc]].";
This plugin creates a custom Gregorian calendar. A single month calendar has navigation buttons at the top line in order to change month and year. With multiple months the calendar is static. Different categories of holidays can be defined in a configuration tiddler and those categories can be styled by the user. There's also a simple scheduling mechanism.
This plugin is based on previous work by [[TiagoDionízio|http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~tngd/twiki/twiki.cgi/]]'s.
Copy this tiddler to your TW, tag it with 'systemConfig', save your TW, refresh your browser and drop {{{<<calendar>>}}} in a tiddler to get a calendar for the current month. You can also use any of the following options {{{<<calendar year:2007 month:6 numberMonths:6 numberColumns:2 tag:'work'>>}}}.
You can also label the schedules with multiple tags separating them with {{{#}}} such as {{{tag:'work#excludeLists'}}}. However only the first tag is used to display scheduled days in the calendar.
!Revision history
1.3.1 - 19/03/2006
*fixed missing schedules at the first day of any month (bug reported and fixed by Michael Lin)
1.3.0 - 18/09/2006
*small changes to work with TW2.1
1.2.1 - 04/06/2006
*restored the use of multiple tags
1.2.0 - 18/05/2006
*plugin name changed to PlasticCalendarPlugin (because there are other ~CalendarPlugin's out there...)
*now using named parameters
*added categories of holidays (suggested by Paco Rivière)
1.1.0 - 02/10/2005
*initial release
config.macros.calendar.options = {
// day week starts from (normally 0-Su or 1-Mo)
calendarWeekStart: 0,
calendarToday: "Hoje",
calendarHoliday: "Feriado: ",
calendarLongDateFormat: "0DD/0MM/YYYY",
calendarShortDateFormat: "0DD/0MM",
calendarTag: ["agenda"]};
version.extensions.Holidays = {
major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 0,
date: new Date(2006, 4, 18),
type: 'config'
config.macros.calendar.holidays = [ ["01/01", "New Year's day"], ["25/12", "Christmas day", "Christian"] ];
|Description:|Provides a new date format ('pppp') that displays times such as '2 days ago'|
|Version:|1.0 ($Rev: 3646 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-02-27 02:34:38 +1000 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
* If you want to you can rename this plugin. :) Some suggestions: LastUpdatedPlugin, RelativeDatesPlugin, SmartDatesPlugin, SexyDatesPlugin.
* Inspired by http://ejohn.org/files/pretty.js
Date.prototype.prettyDate = function() {
var diff = (((new Date()).getTime() - this.getTime()) / 1000);
var day_diff = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
if (isNaN(day_diff)) return "";
else if (diff < 0) return "in the future";
else if (diff < 60) return "just now";
else if (diff < 120) return "1 minute ago";
else if (diff < 3600) return Math.floor(diff/60) + " minutes ago";
else if (diff < 7200) return "1 hour ago";
else if (diff < 86400) return Math.floor(diff/3600) + " hours ago";
else if (day_diff == 1) return "Yesterday";
else if (day_diff < 7) return day_diff + " days ago";
else if (day_diff < 14) return "a week ago";
else if (day_diff < 31) return Math.ceil(day_diff/7) + " weeks ago";
else if (day_diff < 62) return "a month ago";
else if (day_diff < 365) return "about " + Math.ceil(day_diff/31) + " months ago";
else if (day_diff < 730) return "a year ago";
else return Math.ceil(day_diff/365) + " years ago";
Date.prototype.formatString_orig_mptw = Date.prototype.formatString;
Date.prototype.formatString = function(template) {
return this.formatString_orig_mptw(template).replace(/pppp/,this.prettyDate());
// for MPTW. otherwise edit your ViewTemplate as required.
// config.mptwDateFormat = 'pppp (DD/MM/YY)';
config.mptwDateFormat = 'pppp';
<<tabs txtMainTab "Timeline" "Timeline" TabTimeline "All" "All tiddlers" TabAll "Tags" "All tags" TabTags "More" "More lists" TabMore>>
Human being since 1969<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
<<slideShow noClicks>> - A simple slide show that keeps the TW style
<<slideShow style:'MySSStyleSheet' clock:'+'>> - A themed slide show with a clock showing the presentation elapsed time (style sheet: MySSStyleSheet)
<<slideShow repeat clock:'-20'>> - A looping slide show with a 20 minutes countdown clock
<<slideShow slidePause:1000>> - A timed slideshow that runs once
<<slideShow slidePause:1000 repeat>> - A timed looping slideshow
!The [[SlideShowPlugin]]
Press F11 to go fullscreen and adjust the font sizes with Ctrl++ Ctrl+- (or Ctrl+mousewheel).
This plugin was developed by Paulo Soares and Clint Checketts.
{{Comment{This block is not shown in the slide show.
@@Don't show me!!!@@}}}
!How slides are separated
In a tiddler, you start each slide with the markup {{{-s-}}}
Slides don't have to have titles like this poor one
!A slide with subsections and a long title
Check to TOC below to see how this slide title is abbreviated.
!!Section 1
This is a section
!!!Subsection 1.1
This is a subsection
!!!Subsection 1.2
This is another subsection
!!!!Subsubsection 1.2.1
This is a subsubsection
!Using the keyboard
The following keys are defined:
*Left arrow - previous overlay
*Down arrow - previous slide
*Right arrow - next overlay
*Up arrow - next slide
*Home - first slide
*End - last slide
*Escape - exit slide show
*Spacebar - pause/resume slide show in auto advance mode
!Slide show parameters
*The slide show can be themed by providing a ~StyleSheet ({{{<<slideShow style:'MyStyleSheet'>>}}})
*By default, there is a clock at bottom of the browser window that displays the current time. This clock can also show the presentation elapsed time with {{{<<slideShow clock:'+'>>}}} or a countdown clock with {{{<<slideShow clock:'-20'>>}}} (for 20 minutes). In these two cases, if you click on the clock display it will be restarted
*The slide show can be set to loop ({{{<<slideShow repeat>>}}})
*You can set it so each slide changes after X milliseconds ({{{<<slideShow slidePause:X>>}}}) (auto advance mode)
*Use auto start mode to begin the slideshow the moment the tiddler is opened ({{{<<slideShow autostart>>>}}})
*You can disable overlays with {{{<<slideShow noOverlays>>}}}
*These parameters can be mixed and matched in any order: {{{<<slideShow slidePause:1000 repeat>>}}} is the same as {{{<<slideShow repeat slidePause:1000>>}}}
To see how incremental display works use the left and right mouse buttons.
{{Overlay1{You can}}} {{Overlay2{present things}}} {{Overlay1{in an arbitrary order!!!}}}
{{Overlay3{Its a bit harder with lists but it works:}}}
<li class="Overlay4">First item</li>
<li class="Overlay5">Second item</li>
<li class="Overlay4">Last item</li>
{{Comment{You can hide comments on a slide that won't display in the slide show}}}
|''Description:''|Creates a simple slide show type display|
|''Date:''|Aug 29, 2008|
|''Documentation:''|[[SlideShowPlugin Documentation|SlideShowPluginDoc]]|
|''Author:''|Paulo Soares and [[Clint Checketts|http://www.checkettsweb.com]]|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
config.macros.slideShow = {label: "slide show", maxTOCLength: 30};
config.macros.slideShow.messages = {gotoLabel: "Go to slide:"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow = {text: "slide show", tooltip: "Start slide show"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.quit = {text: "x", tooltip: "Quit the slide show"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.firstSlide = {text: "<<", tooltip: "first slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.previousSlide = {text: "<", tooltip: "previous slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.nextSlide = {text: ">", tooltip: "next slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.lastSlide = {text: ">>", tooltip: "last slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.resetClock = {text: " ", tooltip: "reset"};
config.formatters.push( {
name: "SlideSeparator",
match: "^-s-+$\\n?",
handler: function(w) {
//Excellent (and versatile) reparser created by Paul Petterson for parsing the paramString in a macro
function reparse( params ) {
var re = /([^:\s]+)(?:\:((?:\d+)|(?:["'](?:[^"']+)["']))|\s|$)/g;
var ret = new Array();
var m;
while( (m = re.exec( params )) != null ) ret[ m[1] ] = m[2]?m[2]:true;
return ret;
function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
var classElements = new Array();
if ( node == null ) node = document;
if ( tag == null ) tag = '*';
var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
var j=0;
for (var i = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
// 'keys' code adapted from S5 which in turn was adapted from MozPoint (http://mozpoint.mozdev.org/)
function keys(key) {
if (document.getElementById('contentWrapper').className == "slideShowMode"){
if (!key) {
key = event;
key.which = key.keyCode;
switch (key.which) {
case 32: // spacebar
autoAdvance = null;
} else {
autoAdvance=setInterval("GoToSlide(1)", time);
case 34: // page down
case 39: // rightkey
case 40: // downkey
case 33: // page up
case 37: // leftkey
case 38: // upkey
case 36: // home
case 35: // end
case 27: // escape
case 66: // B
return false;
function blankScreen(){
var blanker = document.getElementById('slideBlanker');
if (blanker.style.display == 'block'){
blanker.style.display = 'none';
} else {
blanker.style.display = 'block';
function clicker(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var target = resolveTarget(e);
//Whenever something is clicked that won't advance the slide make sure that the table of contents gets hidden
if (target.getAttribute('href') != null || isParentOrSelf(target, 'toc') || isParentOrSelf(target,'embed') || isParentOrSelf(target,'object') || isParentOrSelf(target, 'slideFooter') || isParentOrSelf(target, 'navigator')){
//Don't hide the TOC if the indexNumbers (which trigger the index) is clicked
if(isParentOrSelf(target,'indexNumbers') || isParentOrSelf(target,'jumpInput')){
return true;
return true;
//Advance a slide if the TOC is visible otherwise make sure that the TOC gets hidden
if ((!e.which && e.button == 1) || e.which == 1) {
if (document.getElementById('toc').style.display != 'block'){
} else {
if ((!e.which && e.button == 2) || e.which == 3) {
if (document.getElementById('toc').style.display != 'block'){
} else {
return false;
function isParentOrSelf(element, id) {
if (element == null || element.nodeName=='BODY') return false;
else if (element.id == id) return true;
else return isParentOrSelf(element.parentNode, id);
GoToSlide = function(step) {
var new_pos;
var slideHolder = document.getElementById('slideContainer');
var cur_pos = parseFloat(slideHolder.getAttribute('currentslide'));
var numberSlides = parseFloat(slideHolder.getAttribute('numberSlides'));
switch (step) {
case "f":
case "l":
case "n":
var numberOverlays = parseFloat(slideHolder.childNodes[cur_pos].getAttribute('numberOverlays'));
var currentOverlay = parseFloat(slideHolder.getAttribute('currentOverlay'));
if(numberOverlays==0 || currentOverlay==numberOverlays){
if(noClicks==false) new_pos=cur_pos+1;
} else {
var className="Overlay"+currentOverlay;
var overlay=getElementsByClass(className,slideHolder.childNodes[cur_pos]);
for(var i=0; i<overlay.length; i++) {overlay[i].className=className+' previousOverlay';}
for(i=0; i<overlay.length; i++) {overlay[i].className=className+' currentOverlay';}
return false;
case "p":
var numberOverlays = parseFloat(slideHolder.childNodes[cur_pos].getAttribute('numberOverlays'));
var currentOverlay = parseFloat(slideHolder.getAttribute('currentOverlay'));
if(numberOverlays==0 || currentOverlay==0){
if(noClicks==false) new_pos=cur_pos-1;
} else {
var className="Overlay"+currentOverlay;
var overlays=getElementsByClass(className,slideHolder.childNodes[cur_pos]);
for(var i=0; i<overlays.length; i++) {overlays[i].className=className+' nextOverlay';}
for(i=0; i<overlays.length; i++) {overlays[i].className=className+' currentOverlay';}
return false;
if(slideShowCircularMode && new_pos == numberSlides) new_pos=0;
if(slideShowCircularMode && new_pos<0) new_pos=(numberSlides - 1);
if(step!=0 && new_pos>=0 && new_pos<numberSlides) {
var numberOverlays = parseFloat(slideHolder.childNodes[new_pos].getAttribute('numberOverlays'));
var currentOverlay=numberOverlays;
var state=' previousOverlay';
} else {
var currentOverlay=0;
var state=' nextOverlay';
if(numberOverlays>0) {
for(var i=1; i<=numberOverlays; i++){
var className="Overlay"+i;
var overlays=getElementsByClass(className,slideHolder.childNodes[new_pos]);
for(var j=0; j<overlays.length; j++) {overlays[j].className=className+state;}
var className="Overlay"+numberOverlays;
var overlays=getElementsByClass(className,slideHolder.childNodes[new_pos]);
for(var j=0; j<overlays.length; j++) {overlays[j].className=className+' currentOverlay';}
var indexNumbers = document.getElementById('indexNumbers');
indexNumbers.firstChild.data = new_pos+'/'+numberSlides;
if((new_pos==numberSlides) && !slideShowCircularMode && autoAdvance) clearInterval(autoAdvance);
return true;
return false;
function tocShowSlide(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event;
var target = resolveTarget(e);
var slide = target.getAttribute('slideNumber');
var cur_pos = document.getElementById('slideContainer').getAttribute('currentslide');
var step = slide-cur_pos;
if(step!=0) GoToSlide(step);
//Toggle the display of the table of contents
function showHideTOC(display){
var toc = document.getElementById('toc');
//Reset the input box
document.getElementById('jumpInput').value = "";
if (display == null || display.length == null){
if (toc.style.display == 'none' || toc.style.display == ''){
toc.style.display = 'block';
} else {
toc.style.display = 'none';
} else {
toc.style.display = display;
if (display == 'block')
function padZero(x){return (x>=10 || x<0 ? "" : "0")+x;}
setClock = function(){
var actualTime = new Date();
var newTime = actualTime.getTime() - clockStartTime;
newTime = clockMultiplier*newTime+clockInterval+clockCorrection;
newTime = padZero(actualTime.getHours()) + ":" + padZero(actualTime.getMinutes());
//+ ":" + padZero(actualTime.getSeconds());
var clock = document.getElementById('slideClock');
clock.firstChild.nodeValue = newTime;
function resetClock(){
var time = new Date(0);
var startTime = new Date();
var title;
var place;
var autoAdvance=null;
var slideClock=null;
var noOverlays=false;
var noClicks=false;
var forceRefresh=false;
var time = 0;
var slideShowCircularMode;
var slideShowStyleSheet;
var slideShowParams;
var clockMultiplier;
var clockInterval;
var clockCorrection=0;
var clockStartTime;
var openTiddlers;
config.macros.slideShow.handler = function(aPlace,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler){
if(tiddler instanceof Tiddler){
var lingo = config.views.wikified.slideShow;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
place = aPlace;
title = tiddler.title;
params = reparse(paramString);
var onclick = function(){config.macros.slideShow.onClickSlideShow(params);};
config.macros.slideShow.onClickSlideShow = function(newParams) {
openTiddlers = [];
var viewer=document.getElementById('tiddlerDisplay');
for(var i=0; i<viewer.childNodes.length; i++){
var name = viewer.childNodes[i].getAttribute('tiddler');
document.oncontextmenu = function(e){return false;}
clockMultiplier = 1;
clockInterval = 0;
var startTime = new Date(0);
slideShowCircularMode = false;
time = 0;
slideShowStyleSheet = null;
slideShowStyleSheet = eval(newParams['style']);
slideShowCircularMode = true;
noClicks = true;
forceRefresh = true;
if(newParams['slidePause'] > 0){
time = newParams['slidePause'];
startTime = new Date();
var clockType= eval(newParams['clock']);
if(clockType != '+') {
clockMultiplier = -1;
clockInterval = -clockType*60000;
noOverlays = true;
//Attach the key and mouse listeners
document.onkeyup = keys;
document.onmouseup = clicker;
slideClock=setInterval('setClock()', 1000);
if(time>0) autoAdvance=setInterval("GoToSlide(1)", time);
var showHolder = document.getElementById('slideShowWrapper');
document.oncontextmenu = function(e){};
if(autoAdvance) clearInterval(autoAdvance);
if(slideClock) clearInterval(slideClock);
document.onmouseup = function(){};
function isInteger(s){
var i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
// Check that current character is number.
var c = s.charAt(i);
if (((c < "0") || (c > "9"))) return false;
// All characters are numbers.
return true;
function jumpInputToSlide(e){
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
e.which = e.keyCode;
var jumpInput= document.getElementById("jumpInput").value;
var step=jumpInput-document.getElementById('slideContainer').getAttribute('currentslide')-1;
if (GoToSlide(step)){
//Used to shorten the TOC fields
function abbreviateLabel(label){
var maxTOCLength = config.macros.slideShow.maxTOCLength;
if(label.length>maxTOCLength) {
var temp = new Array();
temp = label.split(' ');
label = temp[0];
for(var j=1; j<temp.length; j++){
label += " " + temp[j];
} else {
label += " ...";
return label;
function createSlides(newParams){
var lingo = config.views.wikified.slideShow;
//Remove dblClick on edit function
var theTiddler = document.getElementById("tiddler"+title);
theTiddler.ondblclick = function() {};
// Grab the 'viewer' element and give it a signature so the show can be resumed if stopped
var tiddlerElements = theTiddler.childNodes;
var viewer;
for (var i = 0; i < tiddlerElements.length; i++){
if (tiddlerElements[i].className == "viewer") viewer = tiddlerElements[i];
viewer.id = 'slideShowWrapper';
//Hide the text that comes before the first H1 element (I think I may put this into a cover page type thing)
while(viewer.childNodes.length > 0 && viewer.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "HR" && viewer.firstChild.className!="slideSeparator") {
//Cycle through the content and each time you hit an H1 begin a new slide div
var slideNumber = 0;
var slideHolder = document.createElement('DIV');
slideHolder.id = "slideContainer";
while(viewer.childNodes.length > 0){
//Create a new slide a append it to the slide holder
if (viewer.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "HR" && viewer.firstChild.className=="slideSeparator"){
var slide = document.createElement('DIV');
slide.id = "slideNumber"+slideNumber;
slide.className = "slide";
if (slideNumber > 1) {
} else {
} else {
if(viewer.firstChild.nodeName=="SPAN" && viewer.firstChild.className=="" && viewer.firstChild.hasChildNodes()) {
var anchor=viewer.firstChild.nextSibling;
for (var ii=0;ii<viewer.firstChild.childNodes.length;ii++) {
var clone=viewer.firstChild.childNodes[ii].cloneNode(true);
} else {
//Stick the slides back into the viewer
var blanker= createTiddlyElement(viewer,"DIV","slideBlanker");
//Create the navigation bar
var slidefooter = createTiddlyElement(viewer,"DIV","slideFooter","slideFooterOff");
var navigator = createTiddlyElement(slidefooter,"SPAN","navigator");
//Make it so that when the footer is hovered over the class will change to make it visible
slidefooter.onmouseover = function () {slidefooter.className = "slideFooterOn"};
slidefooter.onmouseout = function () {slidefooter.className = "slideFooterOff"};
//Create the control button for the navigation
var onClickQuit = function(){config.macros.slideShow.endSlideShow();};
var indexNumbers = createTiddlyElement(slidefooter,"SPAN","indexNumbers","indexNumbers","1/"+slideNumber)
indexNumbers.onclick = showHideTOC;
var toc = createTiddlyElement(slidefooter,"UL","toc");
var ovl=1;
for (var i=0;i<slideHolder.childNodes.length;i++) {
if(!noOverlays) {
var ovl=1;
var className="Overlay"+ovl;
var overlays=getElementsByClass(className,slideHolder.childNodes[i]);
for(var j=0; j<overlays.length; j++) {overlays[j].className+=' nextOverlay';}
} else {break;}
//Loop through each slide and check the header's content
var tocLabel = null;
for (var j=0;j<slideHolder.childNodes[i].childNodes.length;j++) {
var node = slideHolder.childNodes[i].childNodes[j];
if(node.nodeName=="H1" || node.nodeName=="H2" || node.nodeName=="H3" || node.nodeName=="H4") {
var htstring = node.innerHTML;
var stripped = htstring.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
tocLabel = abbreviateLabel(stripped);
var tocLevel="tocLevel"+node.nodeName.charAt(1);
var tocItem = createTiddlyElement(toc,"LI",null,tocLevel);
var tocLink = createTiddlyElement(tocItem,"A",null,"tocItem",tocLabel);
//Input box to jump to s specific slide
var tocItem = createTiddlyElement(toc,"LI",null,"tocJumpItem",config.macros.slideShow.messages.gotoLabel);
var tocJumpInput = createTiddlyElement(tocItem,"INPUT","jumpInput");
var next_slide= function(e){GoToSlide(1);}
var first_slide= function(e){GoToSlide("f");}
var previous_slide= function(e){GoToSlide(-1);}
var last_slide= function(e){GoToSlide("l");}
function toggleSlideStyles(){
var contentWrapper = document.getElementById('contentWrapper');
if (contentWrapper.className == "slideShowMode"){
contentWrapper.className = "";
setStylesheet("#backstageShow{display: block;}","SlideShowStyleSheet");
if(slideShowStyleSheet) removeStyleSheet(slideShowStyleSheet);
} else{
contentWrapper.className = "slideShowMode";
if(slideShowStyleSheet) setStylesheet(store.getRecursiveTiddlerText(slideShowStyleSheet),slideShowStyleSheet);
config.shadowTiddlers.SlideShowPageTemplate="<!--{{{-->\n<div id='displayArea'>\n<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>\n</div>\n<!--}}}-->";
config.shadowTiddlers.SlideShowViewTemplate="<!--{{{-->\n<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>\n<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>\n<!--}}}-->";
config.shadowTiddlers.SlideShowStyleSheet = "/***\n!Slide Mode Styles\n***/\n/*{{{*/\n#slideBlanker {\n position:absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n z-index: 90; \n background-color: #000;\n}\n#backstageShow{\n display: none !important;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode #slideContainer{\n display: block;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode .Comment{\n display: none;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode .nextOverlay{\n visibility: hidden;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode .currentOverlay{\n visibility: visible;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode .previousOverlay{\n visibility: visible;\n}\n\n#jump{\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n.slideFooterOff #navigator{\n visibility: hidden;\n}\n\n.slideFooterOn #navigator{\n visibility: visible;\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode #slideClock{\n cursor: pointer; margin: 0 5px 0 5px; border: 1px solid #db4\n}\n\n#contentWrapper.slideShowMode,\n #contentWrapper.slideShowMode #displayArea{\n width: 100%;\n font-size: 1.5em;\n margin: 0 !important;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n#slideContainer{\n display: none;\n}\n\n.indexNumbers{\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n#navigator{\n bottom: 0;\n}\n\n#toc{\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n font-size: .75em;\n bottom: 2em;\n right: 0;\n background: #fff;\n border: 1px solid #000;\n text-align: left;\n}\n\nul#toc, #toc li{\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n list-style: none;\n line-height: 1em;\n}\n\n.tocJumpItem{\n margin-right: 2em;\n}\n\n.tocJumpItem input{\nmargin-right: 1em;\n border: 0;\n}\n\n#toc a,\n#toc a.button{\n display: block;\n padding: .1em;\n}\n\n#toc .tocLevel1{\nfont-size: .8em;\n}\n\n#toc .tocLevel2{\n margin-left: 1em;\n font-size: .75em;\n}\n\n#toc .tocLevel3{\n margin-left: 2em;\nfont-size: .75em;\n}\n\n#toc .tocLevel4{\n margin-left: 3em;\nfont-size: .65em;\n}\n\n#toc a{\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\nh1{\n min-height: 1em;\n}\n\n.slide h1{\n min-height: 0;\n}\n\n/* The '>' selector is ignored by IE6 and earlier so the proper rules are given */\n#slideFooter{\n position: fixed;\n bottom: 2px;\n right: 2px;\n width: 100%;\n text-align: right;\n}\n\n/* This is a hack to trick IE6 and earlier to put the navbar on the bottom of the page */\n* html #slideFooter {\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n text-align: right;\n right: auto; bottom: auto;\n left: expression( ( -20 - slideFooter.offsetWidth + ( document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth ) + ( ignoreMe2 = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft ) ) + 'px' );\n top: expression( ( -10 - slideFooter.offsetHeight + ( document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight ) + ( ignoreMe = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop ) ) + 'px' );\n}\n\n\n\n/*}}}*/";
config.shadowTiddlers.SlideShowPluginDoc="The documentation is missing. It is available [[here|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html#SlideShowPluginDoc]].";
This plugin turns a TiddlyWiki tiddler into a simple slide show type display. Most features that are usually found in presentation software are available. It should work in a way that does not interfere with TiddlyWiki. When you close the slide show you get back to your good old TW.
This plugin has been tested in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Let me know if something seems broken.
To use this plugin you //must// be using TiddlyWiki 2.0. Some optional features (as the incremental display) require version 2.0.8 or higher. To install the plugin copy the tiddlers SlideShowPlugin, SlideShowPageTemplate and SlideShowViewTemplate to your TW, label the first one with the //systemConfig// tag, save the TW and refresh the browser.
To make a slide show simply drop {{{<<slideShow>>}}} at the beginning of a tiddler and use {{{-s-}}} to start each slide.
If you move your mouse over the bottom of the browser window you will see a few navigation buttons, a clock and a table of contents that shows up when you click the slide number.
Any block of text marked as {{{{{Comment{For my eyes only!}}}}}} will not be displayed in the slide show.
See these and other features in this [[SlideShowExample]].
!Incremental display
A succession of overlays (or layers) can be defined in each slide by marking blocks of text with {{{{{Overlay1{...some text...}}}}}}, {{{{{Overlay2{...some text...}}}}}}, {{{{{Overlay3{...some text...}}}}}}, ...
To costumize the way overlays are shown you can redefine the following CSS classes
*contentWrapper.slideShowMode .previousOverlay
*contentWrapper.slideShowMode .currentOverlay
*contentWrapper.slideShowMode .nextOverlay
in a ~StyleSheet. The default style simply hides the next overlays and shows the current and the previous ones as normal text.
!Slide show parameters
*The slide show can be themed by providing a ~StyleSheet ({{{<<slideShow style:'MyStyleSheet'>>}}})
*By default, there is a clock at bottom of the browser window that displays the current time. This clock can also show the presentation elapsed time with {{{<<slideShow clock:'+'>>}}} or a countdown clock with {{{<<slideShow clock:'-20'>>}}} (for 20 minutes). In these two cases, if you click on the clock display it will be restarted
*The slide show can be set to loop ({{{<<slideShow repeat>>}}})
*You can set it so each slide changes after X milliseconds ({{{<<slideShow slidePause:X>>}}}) (auto advance mode)
*To not use the mouse to navigate through the presentation use {{{<<slideShow noClicks>>>}}}. This is useful when there are clickable elements in the presentation
*{{{<<slideShow forceRefresh>>>}}} forces a refresh of the presentation tiddler (useful when a presentation is built from separate tiddlers using the {{{<<tiddler>>}}} macro)
*Overlays can be disabled with {{{<<slideShow noOverlays>>}}}
*These parameters can be mixed and matched in any order: {{{<<slideShow slidePause:1000 repeat>>}}} is the same as {{{<<slideShow repeat slidePause:1000>>}}}
!Slide show navigation
You can navigate through a slide show using the keyboard or the mouse. To quickly move to titled sections you can use the table of contents.
!!Mouse navigation
Left (right) clicking on a slide jumps to the next (previous) overlay. To move to the beginning of the next or previous slide you must use the navigation bar at the bottom of the browser's window. If there are no overlays defined both operations are equivalent.
The following keys are defined:
*Left arrow - previous overlay
*Down arrow - previous slide
*Right arrow - next overlay
*Up arrow - next slide
*Home - first slide
*End - last slide
*Escape - exit slide show
*Spacebar - pause/resume slide show in auto advance mode
*B - blank screen
!Revision history
**fixed style sheet mechanism
**removed seconds from clock
**added B key to blank screen
**a few fixes to make it work with IE7
**fix for ~TW2.2
**forceRefresh and noClicks
**removed autoStart feature
**templates are now in shadow tiddlers
*1.5.2 13/02/2007
**fixed a conflict with TW pageFooter
*1.5.1 10/11/2006
**added SlideShowPageTemplate and SlideShowViewTemplate. This way, the plugin no longer requires a standard TW layout. Thanks to Andrew Lister for the idea.
*1.5.0 18/09/2006
**fixed restoring stylesheet on exit
**changed (again!) the way how slides are separated (slide shows prepared for previous versions must be fixed)
*1.4.0 20/04/2006
**changed the way how slides are separated (slide shows prepared for previous versions must be fixed)
**now works with content included with the {{{<<tiddler>>}}} macro
**added incremental display (overlays)
**improved documentation
**assorted small fixes
*1.3.1 10/03/2006
**removed empty slide titles
**fixed wrong numberSlides when slides have div's
**fixed wrong time in Windows
*1.3.0 26/02/2006
**restore open tiddlers on exit
**fixed problem with markup in headers (should work with NestedSlidersPlugin)
**added slide comments (blocks of text in the tiddler that don't show up in the presentation)
*1.2.1 28/01/2006
**pause timed slideshow with spacebar
**added clock with 3 different modes
**fixed bugs with style and abbreviation options
**general cleanup
*1.2.0 07/01/2006
**added a resume feature
**added themes support
*1.1.5 14/12/2005
**added mouse support
**cleaned up navbar generation
*1.1.0 12/12/2005
**added support for IE
**added key listeners
*1.0.0 11/12/2005
**initial release
*Time code is still very hackerish and unreliable.
config.macros.slideShow.messages = {gotoLabel: "Ir para o slide:"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow = {text: "apresentação", tooltip: "Começar apresentação"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.quit = {text: "x", tooltip: "Terminar apresentação"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.firstSlide = {text: "<<", tooltip: "Primeiro slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.previousSlide = {text: "<", tooltip: "Slide anterior"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.nextSlide = {text: ">", tooltip: "Slide seguinte"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.lastSlide = {text: ">>", tooltip: "Último slide"};
config.views.wikified.slideShow.resetClock = {text: " ", tooltip: "Recomeçar"};
/* Widens the mainmenu and adds padding between right-aligned menu text and the right edge of the menu. */
#mainMenu {
width: 8em;
padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
/* Moves tiddler display area to the right to account for widened mainmenu */
#displayArea {
margin: 0em 1em 0em 18em;
body {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
a {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
a:hover {background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
a img {border:0;}
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]]; background:transparent;}
h1 {border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
h2,h3 {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.header {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.headerShadow {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerShadow a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerForeground {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.headerForeground a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
border-right:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
.tabUnselected {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tabContents {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.tabContents .button {border:0;}
#sidebar {}
#sidebarOptions input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {border:none;color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.wizard h1 {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:none;}
.wizard h2 {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:none;}
.wizardStep {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];
border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.wizardStep.wizardStepDone {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.wizardFooter {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
.wizardFooter .status {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border: 1px solid;
border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.wizard .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid;
border-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.wizard .notChanged {background:transparent;}
.wizard .changedLocally {background:#80ff80;}
.wizard .changedServer {background:#8080ff;}
.wizard .changedBoth {background:#ff8080;}
.wizard .notFound {background:#ffff80;}
.wizard .putToServer {background:#ff80ff;}
.wizard .gotFromServer {background:#80ffff;}
#messageArea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#messageArea .button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none;}
.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.popup {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-right:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.popup hr {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border-bottom:1px;}
.popup li.disabled {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.popup li a, .popup li a:visited {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popup li a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popup li a:active {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popupHighlight {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.listBreak div {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}
.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.toolbar {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.tagging, .tagged {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}
.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}
.footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.sparkline {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; border:0;}
.sparktick {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.error, .errorButton {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Error]];}
.warning {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.lowlight {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.zoomer {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.imageLink, #displayArea .imageLink {background:transparent;}
.annotation {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer .listTitle {list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em;}
.viewer .button {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer blockquote {border-left:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.viewer table, table.twtable {border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.viewer pre {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.viewer code {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.viewer hr {border:0; border-top:dashed 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.highlight, .marked {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}
.editor input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.editor textarea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; width:100%;}
.editorFooter {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea a {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageArea a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
#backstageArea a.backstageSelTab {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageButton a {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageButton a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstagePanel {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button {border:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:'alpha(opacity:60)';}
* html .tiddler {height:1%;}
body {font-size:.75em; font-family:arial,helvetica; margin:0; padding:0;}
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}
h1,h2,h3 {padding-bottom:1px; margin-top:1.2em;margin-bottom:0.3em;}
h4,h5,h6 {margin-top:1em;}
h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}
hr {height:1px;}
a {text-decoration:none;}
dt {font-weight:bold;}
ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}
#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}
.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}
.indent {margin-left:3em;}
.outdent {margin-left:3em; text-indent:-3em;}
code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}
.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}
/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}
#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting,
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal;}
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}
.header {position:relative;}
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:0px; top:0px;}
.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}
#mainMenu {position:absolute; left:0; width:10em; text-align:right; line-height:1.6em; padding:1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; font-size:1.1em;}
#sidebar {position:absolute; right:3px; width:16em; font-size:.9em;}
#sidebarOptions {padding-top:0.3em;}
#sidebarOptions a {margin:0em 0.2em; padding:0.2em 0.3em; display:block;}
#sidebarOptions input {margin:0.4em 0.5em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {margin-left:1em; padding:0.5em; font-size:.85em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:bold; display:inline; padding:0;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 .3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}
.wizard {padding:0.1em 1em 0em 2em;}
.wizard h1 {font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizard h2 {font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizardStep {padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.wizard .button {margin:0.5em 0em 0em 0em; font-size:1.2em;}
.wizardFooter {padding:0.8em 0.4em 0.8em 0em;}
.wizardFooter .status {padding:0em 0.4em 0em 0.4em; margin-left:1em;}
.wizard .button {padding:0.1em 0.2em 0.1em 0.2em;}
#messageArea {position:fixed; top:2em; right:0em; margin:0.5em; padding:0.5em; z-index:2000; _position:absolute;}
.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}
.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em; margin:0;}
.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage {padding:0.4em;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0em;}
.popup li.disabled {padding:0.4em;}
.popup li a {display:block; padding:0.4em; font-weight:normal; cursor:pointer;}
.listBreak {font-size:1px; line-height:1px;}
.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}
.tabset {padding:1em 0em 0em 0.5em;}
.tab {margin:0em 0em 0em 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
.tabContents ul, .tabContents ol {margin:0; padding:0;}
.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}
#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}
#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0em 14em;}
.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}
.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0em 1em;}
.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}
.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}
.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}
.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}
.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagClear {clear:both;}
.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}
.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}
* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0em 0.25em; padding:0em 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}
.viewer table, table.twtable {border-collapse:collapse; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr,.viewer caption,.twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr,.twtable caption {padding:3px;}
table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr {padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;}
.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em; overflow:auto;}
.viewer code {font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em;}
.editor {font-size:1.1em;}
.editor input, .editor textarea {display:block; width:100%; font:inherit;}
.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0em; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;}
.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0px 1px 0px;}
.sparkline {line-height:1em;}
.sparktick {outline:0;}
.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}
* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0em; right:0em;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em 0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin:0em 3em 0em 3em; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}
.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
|Description:|tagglyTagging macro is a replacement for the builtin tagging macro in your ViewTemplate|
|Version:|3.3.1 ($Rev: 6100 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-07-27 01:42:07 +1000 (Sun, 27 Jul 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
See http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagging
parseTagExpr: function(debug) {
if (this.trim() == "")
return "(true)";
var anyLogicOp = /(!|&&|\|\||\(|\))/g;
var singleLogicOp = /^(!|&&|\|\||\(|\))$/;
var spaced = this.
// because square brackets in templates are no good
// this means you can use [(With Spaces)] instead of [[With Spaces]]
replace(/\[\(/g," [[").
replace(/\)\]/g,"]] ").
// space things out so we can use readBracketedList. tricky eh?
replace(anyLogicOp," $1 ");
var expr = "";
var tokens = spaced.readBracketedList(false); // false means don't uniq the list. nice one JR!
for (var i=0;i<tokens.length;i++)
if (tokens[i].match(singleLogicOp))
expr += tokens[i];
expr += "tiddler.tags.contains('%0')".format([tokens[i].replace(/'/,"\\'")]); // fix single quote bug. still have round bracket bug i think
if (debug)
return '('+expr+')';
getTiddlersByTagExpr: function(tagExpr,sortField) {
var result = [];
var expr = tagExpr.parseTagExpr();
store.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if (eval(expr))
sortField = "title";
result.sort(function(a,b) {return a[sortField] < b[sortField] ? -1 : (a[sortField] == b[sortField] ? 0 : +1);});
return result;
config.taggly = {
// for translations
lingo: {
labels: {
asc: "\u2191", // down arrow
desc: "\u2193", // up arrow
title: "title",
modified: "modified",
created: "created",
show: "+",
hide: "-",
normal: "normal",
group: "group",
commas: "commas",
sitemap: "sitemap",
numCols: "cols\u00b1", // plus minus sign
label: "Tagged as '%0':",
exprLabel: "Matching tag expression '%0':",
excerpts: "excerpts",
descr: "descr",
slices: "slices",
contents: "contents",
sliders: "sliders",
noexcerpts: "title only",
noneFound: "(none)"
tooltips: {
title: "Click to sort by title",
modified: "Click to sort by modified date",
created: "Click to sort by created date",
show: "Click to show tagging list",
hide: "Click to hide tagging list",
normal: "Click to show a normal ungrouped list",
group: "Click to show list grouped by tag",
sitemap: "Click to show a sitemap style list",
commas: "Click to show a comma separated list",
numCols: "Click to change number of columns",
excerpts: "Click to show excerpts",
descr: "Click to show the description slice",
slices: "Click to show all slices",
contents: "Click to show entire tiddler contents",
sliders: "Click to show tiddler contents in sliders",
noexcerpts: "Click to show entire title only"
tooDeepMessage: "* //sitemap too deep...//"
config: {
showTaggingCounts: true,
listOpts: {
// the first one will be the default
sortBy: ["title","modified","created"],
sortOrder: ["asc","desc"],
hideState: ["show","hide"],
listMode: ["normal","group","sitemap","commas"],
numCols: ["1","2","3","4","5","6"],
excerpts: ["noexcerpts","excerpts","descr","slices","contents","sliders"]
valuePrefix: "taggly.",
excludeTags: ["excludeLists","excludeTagging"],
excerptSize: 50,
excerptMarker: "/%"+"%/",
siteMapDepthLimit: 25
getTagglyOpt: function(title,opt) {
var val = store.getValue(title,this.config.valuePrefix+opt);
return val ? val : this.config.listOpts[opt][0];
setTagglyOpt: function(title,opt,value) {
if (!store.tiddlerExists(title))
// create it silently
store.saveTiddler(title,title,config.views.editor.defaultText.format([title]),config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),"");
// if value is default then remove it to save space
return store.setValue(title,
value == this.config.listOpts[opt][0] ? null : value);
getNextValue: function(title,opt) {
var current = this.getTagglyOpt(title,opt);
var pos = this.config.listOpts[opt].indexOf(current);
// a little usability enhancement. actually it doesn't work right for grouped or sitemap
var limit = (opt == "numCols" ? store.getTiddlersByTagExpr(title).length : this.config.listOpts[opt].length);
var newPos = (pos + 1) % limit;
return this.config.listOpts[opt][newPos];
toggleTagglyOpt: function(title,opt) {
var newVal = this.getNextValue(title,opt);
createListControl: function(place,title,type) {
var lingo = config.taggly.lingo;
var label;
var tooltip;
var onclick;
if ((type == "title" || type == "modified" || type == "created")) {
// "special" controls. a little tricky. derived from sortOrder and sortBy
label = lingo.labels[type];
tooltip = lingo.tooltips[type];
if (this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy") == type) {
label += lingo.labels[this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder")];
onclick = function() {
return false;
else {
onclick = function() {
return false;
else {
// "regular" controls, nice and simple
label = lingo.labels[type == "numCols" ? type : this.getNextValue(title,type)];
tooltip = lingo.tooltips[type == "numCols" ? type : this.getNextValue(title,type)];
onclick = function() {
return false;
// hide button because commas don't have columns
if (!(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"listMode") == "commas" && type == "numCols"))
createTiddlyButton(place,label,tooltip,onclick,type == "hideState" ? "hidebutton" : "button");
makeColumns: function(orig,numCols) {
var listSize = orig.length;
var colSize = listSize/numCols;
var remainder = listSize % numCols;
var upperColsize = colSize;
var lowerColsize = colSize;
if (colSize != Math.floor(colSize)) {
// it's not an exact fit so..
upperColsize = Math.floor(colSize) + 1;
lowerColsize = Math.floor(colSize);
var output = [];
var c = 0;
for (var j=0;j<numCols;j++) {
var singleCol = [];
var thisSize = j < remainder ? upperColsize : lowerColsize;
for (var i=0;i<thisSize;i++)
return output;
drawTable: function(place,columns,theClass) {
var newTable = createTiddlyElement(place,"table",null,theClass);
var newTbody = createTiddlyElement(newTable,"tbody");
var newTr = createTiddlyElement(newTbody,"tr");
for (var j=0;j<columns.length;j++) {
var colOutput = "";
for (var i=0;i<columns[j].length;i++)
colOutput += columns[j][i];
var newTd = createTiddlyElement(newTr,"td",null,"tagglyTagging"); // todo should not need this class
return newTable;
createTagglyList: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
switch(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"listMode")) {
case "group": return this.createTagglyListGrouped(place,title,isTagExpr); break;
case "normal": return this.createTagglyListNormal(place,title,false,isTagExpr); break;
case "commas": return this.createTagglyListNormal(place,title,true,isTagExpr); break;
case "sitemap":return this.createTagglyListSiteMap(place,title,isTagExpr); break;
getTaggingCount: function(title,isTagExpr) {
// thanks to Doug Edmunds
if (this.config.showTaggingCounts) {
var tagCount = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,'title',isTagExpr).length;
if (tagCount > 0)
return " ("+tagCount+")";
return "";
getTiddlers: function(titleOrExpr,sortBy,isTagExpr) {
return isTagExpr ? store.getTiddlersByTagExpr(titleOrExpr,sortBy) : store.getTaggedTiddlers(titleOrExpr,sortBy);
getExcerpt: function(inTiddlerTitle,title,indent) {
if (!indent)
indent = 1;
var displayMode = this.getTagglyOpt(inTiddlerTitle,"excerpts");
var t = store.getTiddler(title);
if (t && displayMode == "excerpts") {
var text = t.text.replace(/\n/," ");
var marker = text.indexOf(this.config.excerptMarker);
if (marker != -1) {
return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + text.substr(0,marker) + "</nowiki>}}}";
else if (text.length < this.config.excerptSize) {
return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + t.text + "</nowiki>}}}";
else {
return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + t.text.substr(0,this.config.excerptSize) + "..." + "</nowiki>}}}";
else if (t && displayMode == "contents") {
return "\n{{contents indent"+indent+"{\n" + t.text + "\n}}}";
else if (t && displayMode == "sliders") {
return "<slider slide>\n{{contents{\n" + t.text + "\n}}}\n</slider>";
else if (t && displayMode == "descr") {
var descr = store.getTiddlerSlice(title,'Description');
return descr ? " {{excerpt{" + descr + "}}}" : "";
else if (t && displayMode == "slices") {
var result = "";
var slices = store.calcAllSlices(title);
for (var s in slices)
result += "|%0|<nowiki>%1</nowiki>|\n".format([s,slices[s]]);
return result ? "\n{{excerpt excerptIndent{\n" + result + "}}}" : "";
return "";
notHidden: function(t,inTiddler) {
if (typeof t == "string")
t = store.getTiddler(t);
return (!t || !t.tags.containsAny(this.config.excludeTags) ||
(inTiddler && this.config.excludeTags.contains(inTiddler)));
// this is for normal and commas mode
createTagglyListNormal: function(place,title,useCommas,isTagExpr) {
var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy"),isTagExpr);
if (this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder") == "desc")
list = list.reverse();
var output = [];
var first = true;
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
if (this.notHidden(list[i],title)) {
var countString = this.getTaggingCount(list[i].title);
var excerpt = this.getExcerpt(title,list[i].title);
if (useCommas)
output.push((first ? "" : ", ") + "[[" + list[i].title + "]]" + countString + excerpt);
output.push("*[[" + list[i].title + "]]" + countString + excerpt + "\n");
first = false;
return this.drawTable(place,
this.makeColumns(output,useCommas ? 1 : parseInt(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"numCols"))),
useCommas ? "commas" : "normal");
// this is for the "grouped" mode
createTagglyListGrouped: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
var sortBy = this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy");
var sortOrder = this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder");
var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,sortBy,isTagExpr);
if (sortOrder == "desc")
list = list.reverse();
var leftOvers = []
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++)
var allTagsHolder = {};
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<list[i].tags.length;j++) {
if (list[i].tags[j] != title) { // not this tiddler
if (this.notHidden(list[i].tags[j],title)) {
if (!allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]])
allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]] = "";
if (this.notHidden(list[i],title)) {
allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]] += "**[["+list[i].title+"]]"
+ this.getTaggingCount(list[i].title) + this.getExcerpt(title,list[i].title) + "\n";
leftOvers.setItem(list[i].title,-1); // remove from leftovers. at the end it will contain the leftovers
var allTags = [];
for (var t in allTagsHolder)
var sortHelper = function(a,b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a < b) return -1;
return 1;
allTags.sort(function(a,b) {
var tidA = store.getTiddler(a);
var tidB = store.getTiddler(b);
if (sortBy == "title") return sortHelper(a,b);
else if (!tidA && !tidB) return 0;
else if (!tidA) return -1;
else if (!tidB) return +1;
else return sortHelper(tidA[sortBy],tidB[sortBy]);
var leftOverOutput = "";
for (var i=0;i<leftOvers.length;i++)
if (this.notHidden(leftOvers[i],title))
leftOverOutput += "*[["+leftOvers[i]+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(leftOvers[i]) + this.getExcerpt(title,leftOvers[i]) + "\n";
var output = [];
if (sortOrder == "desc")
else if (leftOverOutput != "")
// leftovers first...
for (var i=0;i<allTags.length;i++)
if (allTagsHolder[allTags[i]] != "")
output.push("*[["+allTags[i]+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(allTags[i]) + this.getExcerpt(title,allTags[i]) + "\n" + allTagsHolder[allTags[i]]);
if (sortOrder == "desc" && leftOverOutput != "")
// leftovers last...
return this.drawTable(place,
// used to build site map
treeTraverse: function(title,depth,sortBy,sortOrder,isTagExpr) {
var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,sortBy,isTagExpr);
if (sortOrder == "desc")
var indent = "";
for (var j=0;j<depth;j++)
indent += "*"
var childOutput = "";
if (depth > this.config.siteMapDepthLimit)
childOutput += indent + this.lingo.tooDeepMessage;
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++)
if (list[i].title != title)
if (this.notHidden(list[i].title,this.config.inTiddler))
childOutput += this.treeTraverse(list[i].title,depth+1,sortBy,sortOrder,false);
if (depth == 0)
return childOutput;
return indent + "[["+title+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(title) + this.getExcerpt(this.config.inTiddler,title,depth) + "\n" + childOutput;
// this if for the site map mode
createTagglyListSiteMap: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
this.config.inTiddler = title; // nasty. should pass it in to traverse probably
var output = this.treeTraverse(title,0,this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy"),this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder"),isTagExpr);
return this.drawTable(place,
this.makeColumns(output.split(/(?=^\*\[)/m),parseInt(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"numCols"))), // regexp magic
macros: {
tagglyTagging: {
handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
var parsedParams = paramString.parseParams("tag",null,true);
var refreshContainer = createTiddlyElement(place,"div");
// do some refresh magic to make it keep the list fresh - thanks Saq
var tag = getParam(parsedParams,"tag");
var expr = getParam(parsedParams,"expr");
if (expr) {
else {
if (tag) {
else {
refresh: function(place) {
var title = place.getAttribute("title");
var isTagExpr = place.getAttribute("isTagExpr") == "true";
var showEmpty = place.getAttribute("showEmpty") == "true";
var countFound = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,'title',isTagExpr).length
if (countFound > 0 || showEmpty) {
var lingo = config.taggly.lingo;
if (config.taggly.getTagglyOpt(title,"hideState") == "show") {
isTagExpr ? lingo.labels.exprLabel.format([title]) : lingo.labels.label.format([title]));
if (countFound == 0 && showEmpty)
// todo fix these up a bit
styles: [
"/* created by TagglyTaggingPlugin */",
".tagglyTagging { padding-top:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging li.listTitle { display:none; }",
".tagglyTagging ul {",
" margin-top:0px; padding-top:0.5em; padding-left:2em;",
" margin-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:0px;",
".tagglyTagging { vertical-align: top; margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".tagglyTagging table { margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".tagglyTagging .button { visibility:hidden; margin-left:3px; margin-right:3px; }",
".tagglyTagging .button, .tagglyTagging .hidebutton {",
" color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; font-size:90%;",
" border:0px; padding-left:0.3em;padding-right:0.3em;",
".tagglyTagging .button:hover, .hidebutton:hover, ",
".tagglyTagging .button:active, .hidebutton:active {",
" border:0px; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];",
".selected .tagglyTagging .button { visibility:visible; }",
".tagglyTagging .hidebutton { color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; }",
".selected .tagglyTagging .hidebutton { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] }",
".tagglyLabel { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; font-size:90%; }",
".tagglyTagging ul {padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0.5em; margin-left:1em; }",
".tagglyTagging ul ul {list-style-type:disc; margin-left:-1em;}",
".tagglyTagging ul ul li {margin-left:0.5em; }",
".editLabel { font-size:90%; padding-top:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging .commas { padding-left:1.8em; }",
"/* not technically tagglytagging but will put them here anyway */",
".tagglyTagged li.listTitle { display:none; }",
".tagglyTagged li { display: inline; font-size:90%; }",
".tagglyTagged ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".excerpt { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; }",
".excerptIndent { margin-left:4em; }",
"div.tagglyTagging table,",
"div.tagglyTagging table tr,",
" {border-style:none!important; }",
".tagglyTagging .contents { border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; padding:0 1em 1em 0.5em;",
" margin-bottom:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent1 { margin-left:3em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent2 { margin-left:4em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent3 { margin-left:5em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent4 { margin-left:6em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent5 { margin-left:7em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent6 { margin-left:8em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent7 { margin-left:9em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent8 { margin-left:10em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent9 { margin-left:11em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent10 { margin-left:12em; }",
".tagglyNoneFound { margin-left:2em; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; font-size:90%; font-style:italic; }",
init: function() {
config.shadowTiddlers["TagglyTaggingStyles"] = this.styles;
By Saq Imtiaz
// syntax adjusted to not clash with NestedSlidersPlugin
// added + syntax to start open instead of closed
config.formatters.unshift( {
name: "inlinesliders",
// match: "\\+\\+\\+\\+|\\<slider",
match: "\\<slider",
// lookaheadRegExp: /(?:\+\+\+\+|<slider) (.*?)(?:>?)\n((?:.|\n)*?)\n(?:====|<\/slider>)/mg,
lookaheadRegExp: /(?:<slider)(\+?) (.*?)(?:>)\n((?:.|\n)*?)\n(?:<\/slider>)/mg,
handler: function(w) {
this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart ) {
var btn = createTiddlyButton(w.output,lookaheadMatch[2] + " "+"\u00BB",lookaheadMatch[2],this.onClickSlider,"button sliderButton");
var panel = createTiddlyElement(w.output,"div",null,"sliderPanel");
panel.style.display = (lookaheadMatch[1] == '+' ? "block" : "none");
w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
onClickSlider : function(e) {
if(!e) var e = window.event;
var n = this.nextSibling;
n.style.display = (n.style.display=="none") ? "block" : "none";
return false;
<<tabs "topTaskOrganizerExample:Home"
Pending Pending "TaskOrganizerExample:Home/Pending"
Completed Completed "TaskOrganizerExample:Home/Completed"
<<button 'New task' 'Add a new task' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.newTask'>> <<button 'Delete category' 'Delete this task category' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.deleteCategory'>>
<part Pending hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.Home", "created");
var regexp = new RegExp("<<re"+"minder .+>>", "g");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){
if(!tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";
var reminder = tiddlers[i].text.match(regexp);
for(var j=0; j<reminder.length; j++){
list += "*" + reminder[j] + "\n";}}}}
return list;
<part Completed hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.Home", "created");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){if(tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";}}
return list;
<<tabs "topTaskOrganizerExample:My=hobbies"
Pending Pending "TaskOrganizerExample:My hobbies/Pending"
Completed Completed "TaskOrganizerExample:My hobbies/Completed"
<<button 'New task' 'Add a new task' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.newTask'>> <<button 'Delete category' 'Delete this task category' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.deleteCategory'>>
<part Pending hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.My hobbies", "created");
var regexp = new RegExp("<<re"+"minder .+>>", "g");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){
if(!tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";
var reminder = tiddlers[i].text.match(regexp);
for(var j=0; j<reminder.length; j++){
list += "*" + reminder[j] + "\n";}}}}
return list;
<part Completed hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.My hobbies", "created");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){if(tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";}}
return list;
<<tabs "topTaskOrganizerExample:School"
Pending Pending "TaskOrganizerExample:School/Pending"
Completed Completed "TaskOrganizerExample:School/Completed"
<<button 'New task' 'Add a new task' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.newTask'>> <<button 'Delete category' 'Delete this task category' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.deleteCategory'>>
<part Pending hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.School", "created");
var regexp = new RegExp("<<re"+"minder .+>>", "g");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){
if(!tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";
var reminder = tiddlers[i].text.match(regexp);
for(var j=0; j<reminder.length; j++){
list += "*" + reminder[j] + "\n";}}}}
return list;
<part Completed hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.School", "created");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){if(tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";}}
return list;
<<tabs "topTaskOrganizerExample:TiddlyWiki"
Pending Pending "TaskOrganizerExample:TiddlyWiki/Pending"
Completed Completed "TaskOrganizerExample:TiddlyWiki/Completed"
<<button 'New task' 'Add a new task' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.newTask'>> <<button 'Delete category' 'Delete this task category' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.deleteCategory'>>
<part Pending hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.TiddlyWiki", "created");
var regexp = new RegExp("<<re"+"minder .+>>", "g");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){
if(!tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";
var reminder = tiddlers[i].text.match(regexp);
for(var j=0; j<reminder.length; j++){
list += "*" + reminder[j] + "\n";}}}}
return list;
<part Completed hidden><script>
var list = "";
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers("tasks.TiddlyWiki", "created");
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){if(tiddlers[i].tags.contains ("completed")){
var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split("#");
list+="[X("+tiddlers[i].title+":completed)] [["+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+"|"+tiddlers[i].title+"]]\n";}}
return list;
|''Description:''|A simple task manager|
|''Date:''|Sep 11, 2006|
|''Documentation:''|[[TaskOrganizerPlugin Documentation|TaskOrganizerPluginDoc]]|
|''Author:''|Paulo Soares|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
|''Requires:''|CheckboxPlugin (Eric Shulman), InlineJavascriptPlugin (Eric Shulman) and PartTiddlerPlugin (Udo Borkowski)|
|''Optional:''|ReminderMacros (Jeremy Sheeley)|
config.macros.button = {};
config.macros.button.handler=function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
if(params.length<3) return;
var myFunction = eval(params[2]);
config.macros.taskOrganizer = {};
config.macros.taskOrganizer.options = {
pendingTask: "Pending",
completedTask: "Completed",
newTask: {label: "New task", tooltip: "Add a new task"},
addTaskCategory: {label: "New category", tooltip: "Add a new task category"},
deleteTaskCategory: {label: "Delete category", tooltip: "Delete this task category"},
deleteCategoryConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?",
deleteTasksConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete all tasks associated to the category?",
newTaskCategoryPrompt: "Enter the new task category name:"
config.macros.taskOrganizer.addCategory = function() {
var cm = config.macros.taskOrganizer;
if(typeof arguments[0] != 'string'){
var newTask = prompt(cm.options.newTaskCategoryPrompt,"");
var rebuild = false;
var taskTag = this.parentNode.getAttribute("tag");
var title = this.parentNode.getAttribute("tiddlerTitle");
} else {
var newTask = arguments[0];
var holder= document.getElementById("tiddler"+arguments[1]);
var taskTag = holder.getAttribute("tag");
var title = arguments[1];
var rebuild = true;
if(!newTask) return;
var tabTiddler = new Tiddler();
tabTiddler.title = title+ ":" + newTask;
tabTiddler.tags[0] = taskTag;
tabTiddler.tags[1] = "excludeLists";
tabTiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
var titleTask = newTask.replace(/ /g,"=");
tabTiddler.text = "<<tabs \"top" + title + ":" + titleTask + "\"\n" + cm.options.pendingTask + " " + cm.options.pendingTask + " \"" + title + ":" + newTask + "/Pending" + "\"\n";
tabTiddler.text += cm.options.completedTask + " " + cm.options.completedTask + " \"" + title + ":" + newTask + "/Completed" + "\"\n>>\n";
tabTiddler.text += "<<button '" + cm.options.newTask.label + "' '" + cm.options.newTask.tooltip + "' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.newTask'>>";
tabTiddler.text += " <<button '" + cm.options.deleteTaskCategory.label + "' '" + cm.options.deleteTaskCategory.tooltip + "' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.deleteCategory'>>\n";
tabTiddler.text += "<part Pending hidden>";
tabTiddler.text += "<script>\n var list = \"\";\n";
tabTiddler.text += "var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers(\"" + taskTag + "." + newTask + "\", \"created\");\n";
if(config.macros.reminders) tabTiddler.text += "var regexp = new RegExp(\"<<re\"+\"minder .+>>\", \"g\");\n"
tabTiddler.text += "for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){\nif(!tiddlers[i].tags.contains (\"completed\")){\nvar newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split(\"#\");\nlist+=\"[X(\"+tiddlers[i].title+\":completed)] [[\"+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+\"|\"+tiddlers[i].title+\"]]\\n\";\n";
tabTiddler.text += "var reminder = tiddlers[i].text.match(regexp);\n";
tabTiddler.text += "if(reminder){\n for(var j=0; j<reminder.length; j++){\n list += \"*\" + reminder[j] + \"\\n\";}}";
tabTiddler.text+= "}}\n return list;\n";
tabTiddler.text += "</script>";
tabTiddler.text += "</part>\n";
tabTiddler.text += "<part Completed hidden>";
tabTiddler.text += "<script>\n var list = \"\";\n";
tabTiddler.text += "var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers(\"" + taskTag + "." + newTask + "\", \"created\");\n";
tabTiddler.text += "for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){if(tiddlers[i].tags.contains (\"completed\")){\n var newEntry=tiddlers[i].title.split(\"#\");\nlist+=\"[X(\"+tiddlers[i].title+\":completed)] [[\"+newEntry[newEntry.length-1]+\"|\"+tiddlers[i].title+\"]]\\n\";}}\n";
tabTiddler.text+= "return list;\n";
tabTiddler.text += "</script>";
tabTiddler.text += "</part>";
if(!rebuild) story.refreshTiddler(title,DEFAULT_VIEW_TEMPLATE,true);
if(typeof arguments[0] != 'string'){
var category = this.parentNode.firstChild.className.split(":")[1];
category = category.replace(/=/g," ");
var rebuild = false;
var taskTag = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("tag");
var title = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("tiddlerTitle");
} else {
var category = arguments[0].split(":")[1];
var rebuild = true;
var holder= document.getElementById("tiddler"+arguments[1]);
var taskTag = holder.getAttribute("tag");
var title = arguments[1];
var cm = config.macros.taskOrganizer;
var conf = true;
if(!rebuild) conf = confirm(cm.options.deleteCategoryConfirmation);
store.removeTiddler(title+ ":" + category);
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers(taskTag + "." + category);
conf = confirm(cm.options.deleteTasksConfirmation);
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++) store.removeTiddler(tiddlers[i].title);
var category = this.parentNode.firstChild.className.split(":")[1];
category = category.replace(/=/g," ");
var cm = config.macros.taskOrganizer;
var taskTag = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("tag");
var title = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("tiddlerTitle");
var tiddlerName = title + "#" + category + "#";
var newTiddler = new Tiddler();
newTiddler.title = tiddlerName;
newTiddler.tags[0] = taskTag + "." + category;
newTiddler.tags[1] = "excludeLists";
newTiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
newTiddler.text = "<<newReminder>>";
} else {newTiddler.text = "";}
config.macros.taskOrganizer.handler=function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
if(!(version.extensions.CheckboxPlugin && version.extensions.inlineJavascript && version.extensions.PartTiddlerPlugin)){
var text = "Some required macros are missing!\nPlease check the requirements of this macro [[here|TaskOrganizerPlugin]].";
} else {
if(!params) return;
var taskTag=params[0];
var rebuild = false;
if(params[1]=='rebuild') rebuild = true;
var cm = config.macros.taskOrganizer;
var tiddlerTitle;
var tiddlers = store.getTaggedTiddlers(taskTag,"modified");
var title = tiddler.title;
var holder= document.getElementById("tiddler"+title);
var text = "<<tabs 'top" + title + "'\n";
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++) cm.deleteCategory(tiddlers[i].title.split(":")[1], title);
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++) cm.addCategory(tiddlers[i].title.split(":")[1], title);
for(var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++){
tiddlerTitle = tiddlers[i].title.substring(title.length+1);
text += "\"" + tiddlerTitle + "\" \"" + tiddlerTitle + "\" [[" + tiddlers[i].title + "\]]\n";
text += ">>\n";
text += "<<button '" + cm.options.addTaskCategory.label + "' '" + cm.options.addTaskCategory.tooltip + "' 'config.macros.taskOrganizer.addCategory'>>";
config.shadowTiddlers.TaskOrganizerPluginDoc="The documentation is available [[here.|http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html#TaskOrganizerPluginDoc]]";
This plugin creates a simple task manager with a variable number of tasks' categories. The management of categories and tasks has been automated. There's also some integration with the ReminderMacros.
This is based on previous work by Jim Barr at http://tiddlywikitips.com/TiddlyWikiTasks.html.
This plugin has been tested in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Let me know if something seems broken.
Install this tiddler and drop {{{<<taskOrganizer taskTag>>}}} at the beginning of the tiddler, where taskTag is the tag you want to use with your tasks. You will get an empty task manager. Start adding categories and tasks and it will turn into something like this TaskOrganizerExample.
!How to update
Because this plugin is still in development, some changes make necessary to rebuild the categories' tiddlers (but not the individual tasks!). This can be done manually deleting all your categories (remember to NOT delete the associated tasks) and then recreate them all, one by one. To avoid this procedure I created an option to do this automatically. So, to rebuild all the categories' tiddlers, edit the tiddler with your TaskOrganizer and change {{{<<taskOrganizer taskTag>>}}} to {{{<<taskOrganizer taskTag rebuild>>}}}. Save the tiddler, reopen it and change the text back to {{{<<taskOrganizer taskTag>>}}}. Save again and it should be done. @@Remember to play safely, that is, create a backup before the update.@@
!Revision history
1.2.4 - 11/09/2006
A kind contribution by ''Matthew Phillips'' fixed two problems:
#spaces in the categories' names
#a task tiddler can have any number of tags
You need to rebuild your categories as described above.
1.2.3 - 08/02/2006
#global vars were eliminated. It's now possible to have several {{{<<taskOrganizer>>}}} entries in the same TW and even in the same tiddler (you need to recreate the categories' tiddlers).
#the default name for tasks includes the {{{<<taskOrganizer>>}}} tiddler title and category. If you accept this name convention (eg, 'Tasks#Category#task description') this will appear in RSS feeds but will be simplified to 'task description' in the taskOrganizer.
1.2.2 - 30/01/2006
#missing requirements handled gracefully (no need to recreate the categories' tiddlers)
1.2.1 - 28/01/2006
#ReminderMacros are no longer required and are only used if installed
#assorted small fixes
#included an option to rebuild the categories' tiddlers (used for updates)
1.2.0 - 26/01/2006
#fixed problem with IE (thanks to Ken Girard) - it looks ugly in IE but seems to work!
#integration with ReminderMacros
#dependency on ForEachTiddlerPlugin replaced by InlineJavascriptPlugin for increased flexibility
#added dependency on the amazing PartTiddlerPlugin (less tiddlers are created this way)
1.1.1 - 25/01/2006
#fixed problem with spaces in categories' names (thanks to Ken Girard)
1.1.0 - 24/01/2006
#removed dependency on NewerTiddler plugin
#added the possibility to delete categories of tasks
1.0.0 - 21/01/2006
#initial release
config.macros.taskOrganizer.options = {
pendingTask: "Pendentes",
completedTask: "Completas",
newTask: {label: "Nova tarefa", tooltip: "Junte uma nova tarefa"},
addTaskCategory: {label: "Nova categoria", tooltip: "Junta uma nova categoria de tarefas"},
deleteTaskCategory: {label: "Eliminar categoria", tooltip: "Elimine esta categoria"},
deleteCategoryConfirmation: "Tem a certeza que quer eliminar esta categoria?",
deleteTasksConfirmation: "Tem a certeza que quer eliminar todas as tarefas associadas à categoria?",
newTaskCategoryPrompt: "Introduza o nome da nova categoria de tarefas:"
|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <<br>>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
%/<script label="show/hide right sidebar">
var show=document.getElementById('sidebar').style.display=='none';
if (!show) {
var margin='1em';
else {
var margin=config.options.txtDisplayAreaRightMargin?config.options.txtDisplayAreaRightMargin:"";
place.innerHTML=(show?".":"."); // SET LINK TEXT
place.title=show?"hide sidebar":"show sidebar"; // SET TOOLTIP
var sm=document.getElementById("storyMenu"); if (sm) config.refreshers.content(sm);
return false;
if (config.options.chkShowRightSidebar==undefined)
if (!config.options.txtDisplayAreaRightMargin||!config.options.txtDisplayAreaRightMargin.length)
var show=config.options.chkShowRightSidebar;
place.lastChild.innerHTML=(show?".":"."); // SET LINK TEXT
place.lastChild.title=show?"hide sidebar":"show sidebar"; // SET TOOLTIP
|Description:|Makes a checkbox which toggles a tag in a tiddler|
|Version:|3.1.0 ($Rev: 4907 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-05-13 03:15:46 +1000 (Tue, 13 May 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
{{{<<toggleTag }}}//{{{TagName TiddlerName LabelText}}}//{{{>>}}}
* TagName - the tag to be toggled, default value "checked"
* TiddlerName - the tiddler to toggle the tag in, default value the current tiddler
* LabelText - the text (gets wikified) to put next to the check box, default value is '{{{[[TagName]]}}}' or '{{{[[TagName]] [[TiddlerName]]}}}'
(If a parameter is '.' then the default will be used)
* TouchMod flag - if non empty then touch the tiddlers mod date. Note, can set config.toggleTagAlwaysTouchModDate to always touch mod date
|{{{<<toggleTag>>}}}|Toggles the default tag (checked) in this tiddler|<<toggleTag>>|
|{{{<<toggleTag TagName>>}}}|Toggles the TagName tag in this tiddler|<<toggleTag TagName>>|
|{{{<<toggleTag TagName TiddlerName>>}}}|Toggles the TagName tag in the TiddlerName tiddler|<<toggleTag TagName TiddlerName>>|
|{{{<<toggleTag TagName TiddlerName 'click me'>>}}}|Same but with custom label|<<toggleTag TagName TiddlerName 'click me'>>|
|{{{<<toggleTag . . 'click me'>>}}}|dot means use default value|<<toggleTag . . 'click me'>>|
* If TiddlerName doesn't exist it will be silently created
* Set label to '-' to specify no label
* See also http://mgtd-alpha.tiddlyspot.com/#ToggleTag2
!!Known issues
* Doesn't smoothly handle the case where you toggle a tag in a tiddler that is current open for editing
* Should convert to use named params
if (config.toggleTagAlwaysTouchModDate == undefined) config.toggleTagAlwaysTouchModDate = false;
toggleTag: {
createIfRequired: true,
shortLabel: "[[%0]]",
longLabel: "[[%0]] [[%1]]",
handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
var tiddlerTitle = tiddler ? tiddler.title : '';
var tag = (params[0] && params[0] != '.') ? params[0] : "checked";
var title = (params[1] && params[1] != '.') ? params[1] : tiddlerTitle;
var defaultLabel = (title == tiddlerTitle ? this.shortLabel : this.longLabel);
var label = (params[2] && params[2] != '.') ? params[2] : defaultLabel;
var touchMod = (params[3] && params[3] != '.') ? params[3] : "";
label = (label == '-' ? '' : label); // dash means no label
var theTiddler = (title == tiddlerTitle ? tiddler : store.getTiddler(title));
var cb = createTiddlyCheckbox(place, label.format([tag,title]), theTiddler && theTiddler.isTagged(tag), function(e) {
if (!store.tiddlerExists(title)) {
if (config.macros.toggleTag.createIfRequired) {
var content = store.getTiddlerText(title); // just in case it's a shadow
store.saveTiddler(title,title,content?content:"",config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),null);
return false;
if ((touchMod != "" || config.toggleTagAlwaysTouchModDate) && theTiddler)
theTiddler.modified = new Date();
return true;
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
Glad you are here. May your visit be extraordinary.
[img[Rock on!|http://erickennedy.com/sample.jpg]]
Looks a bit difficult. Review a few things about Stocastic Processes.
<<reminder month:12 day:29 title:"buy some soap">>
<<reminder month:1 day:1 title:"bath">>